Blog post #2 – Project progress!

This week marks my 4th week in this Capstone course and so far things are going pretty good. My team, with whom I am creating this project with, all seem to be excited about our project: a music genre classifier that using a machine trained model!

My team and I are uninitiated when it comes to machine learning so we had some trouble setting up a functional project plan. However, it turns out that is nothing a little research cant solve! I am excited to get a Minimum Viable Product up and running to see the fruits of our labor. We have decided to go with pytorch for the ML framework and that seems to have been the right call in the short time that I have used it. This is primarily due to the fact that we will be utilizing python as our primary language in this project So seeing as though pytorch was a ML library built specifically for python, we abandoned our initial decision to use tensor flow for the more friendly framework.

Being as this will be my final class in this CS program, I am excited to add machine learning to my list of versed technologies. Although there is ways to go before we can began seeing results, so until then, our work continues!

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