
Week 1 – Blog Post: The Case for Recruitment & Selection

Many organizations focus on the “what” rather than the “who”. This can be because of a variety of reasons. Sometimes organizations can only see the main problem or issue in front of them, and are not able to decipher why the issue is occurring. For instance, the marketing information they may be receiving is unreliable, and they do not consider that possibly the people in charge of directing the marketing efforts do not have the necessary experience or understanding. Instead of making a change at the staffing level, they simply work with the marketing manager to implement a new strategy.

Other times, an emphasis can be placed on an outward, client-focused strategy rather than understanding the need or process (and staffing) improvement. In a vacuum, a client-focused strategy is generally the best option for an organization. The firm is able to first understand the unique needs of the potential client before crafting an offering that provides value. However, if this is attempted with the wrong people in place within the organization, the offering has a far greater probability in falling apart.

One possible strength in not prioritizing recruitment and selection in favor of other aspects of the business can be a sharper focus on the product offering, especially in a commodities or basic services market. If all the energy is spent on process improvement, product refinement, and positioning, sometimes this strategy can be successful even when the staffing isn’t right, simply because of the demands of the unique market, offering, or state of economy. However, this strength can vanish quickly when the situation changes and the firm does not have the people in place to react to changing conditions.

Weaknesses inherent in not prioritizing staffing and recruitment are many and varied. In most cases, the ability to reach potential clients, develop and refine the product or service offering, and deliver value for the client is entirely dependent on the quality of the people behind the production. Moreover, in good economic times with heavy competition, the organization that resources itself with the best people will stand above the rest.

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3 replies on “Week 1 – Blog Post: The Case for Recruitment & Selection”


Your post reminded me of a particular individual that was promoted to manager and although he was not effective at managing or interacting with other teams, he was left in the position but he was provided a new focus, finding cost savings in the organization. The individual focused on systemic solutions but they were not always “people based solutions.” Your post reaffirms that selecting the right person is important for both internal and external customers of the organization. Which in turns impacts the business.


Hi Matt,
I think this is a great analysis of the different approaches organizations may take when it comes to employee recruitment and selection, and the prioritization of this concept. I liked your in-depth analysis of the client-focused strategy. One thing I did not identify in my own post, but is a good point, is the economical aspect of staffing. Great post!


You seem to have a very strong understanding of the content for this week. Specifically, the key point to think about is the “who” rather than the “what.” Getting down to the finer roots can certainly help define the scope of the company, changes that need to be made, and any adjustments to personnel that would help.

As we learned and what you mentioned, the strength that comes along with emphasizing less resources towards recruitment, is the available resources that can be spent elsewhere such as marketing efforts or product design.

Howevever, there aren’t much positives behind this strategy, considering we know the problems that come along with poor staffing.

Great post,

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