
IPIP Results and Reactions

I took the personality test and my results were as follows.

On Thoroughness, I scored 5. The score means that just like a majority of the people, I am a thorough person who also pays attention to details. On perseverance, I scored 8, a score that means that I am conscientious and that I meet deadlines on time and complete any tasks assigned to me thoroughly. I scored 6 on self-control and stability, a score that reflects my ability to manage my emotions as well as any other person. I scored 6 on conformity, an aspect that means that I am obedient just as most people are. On decisiveness, I scored 7, which according to the text means that I can make decisions and conclusions quickly.

A potential employer who would be looking at these scores would first get the impression of an honest potential employee. This is because the results reflect truthfulness and honesty without exaggerations in answering the questions. The potential employer would also have a glimpse of my strengths and weaknesses.

One of my qualities that an employer may perceive as weaknesses depending on the test, is on thoroughness, whereby I scored 5. While 5 on thoroughness shows that I am a thorough person, it may mean that I am not quite thorough or keen to details. The employer would perceive several strengths of my personality. The strengths include perseverance and Decisiveness. Having scored 8 on perseverance means that I can persevere even in difficult working conditions. It also means that I work with obligation and I meet deadlines in time. This would be quite a good strength for most employers. On decisiveness, I scored 7 which translates to the speedy making of decisions and conclusions. The employer looking at the results would get the impression that I can make things and processes move on a bit faster.