Week 4 – Blog Post: Critiquing a Recruitment Ad

The first impression that I present to potential employers is that I am personable, I am easy to communicate with and get along with. My strengths include being a team player, I encourage a team-oriented environment that fosters teamwork. Another strength is that I am resourceful, I am not quick to give up and can often find other ways to accomplish a task if the initial effort falters. My weaknesses include getting tunnel vision at times when trying to problem solve. At times instead of taking a step back and coming back to an issue, I will spend more time than necessary trying to solve the problem immediately. Another weakness is that I can be seen as too nice at times. This encourages others to drop professionalism and the lines of hierarchy to become blurred.

A way that I would present myself in a novel and creative wanted ad would be to get ahold of an email list that targeted hiring managers and other persons in positions that would have sway over recruiting and hiring purposes. and blast my resume to that email list. In a previous job position, I took an advertising course that stressed consistency and getting your name out there. My main takeaway from that course was that there is a gate keeper and a key master. The gate keeper was normally a receptionist or secretary that would filter what would go through to their boss. Their boss was the key master as they were the one with authority to grant your request and who you needed to get your pitch to. These email lists were effective in the past at advertising to the influential people that I wanted to use my effort on pitching to. This method would help show off my resourcefulness as I showed that I am able to get the attention of people not easily reached. I could also continue to blast to this email list to show consistency as another take away from that course that I took long ago was timing. Sometimes it’s better to be lucky and if my resume is seen by the right person at the right time then that could lead to a competitive advantage on my part versus other potential candidates.

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