MGMT 448

I believe that my brand as a potential employee is my appearance and resume. I am always dressing myself up to the highest standard within an opportunity, always smiling and having a great posture to allow myself to have a good looking first impression. This comes along with my preparedness, bringing in my resume and showing that I am organized straight from the beginning. I show that I am prepared for the meeting, the interview, or the recognition for the company before we drive into my experiences and my fit for the company. Professionalism is always something that has been stressed towards me for knowledge in everything in life, and I have always taken that into account when opportunities arise. 

How I would present myself in a novel and creative situation wanted ad if necessary would be bold, outgoing, and exciting. I would show that I would be happy at the company, I would show that I have a great understanding of the business, and that the team and personalities within the company are fun and loving, a great place to work for your career. Having a great representation of how you appear in your ad, as well as how the ad explains things is a key part of having an attractive ad. While doing this, I would also show that this company is strict, stern, and here to be successful. I would show that although we all are engaging and all like each other within the company, but that we are all here to work hard for the success of the business. This will show through the requirements, the attributes, and the mission statement that would be posted on the ad. With these incentives, no matter what the salary base ends up projecting, I feel that you can get people to be excited about the position with the family oriented business culture, as well as having a hard working position. 

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