MGMT 448

Organizations might decide to allocate more resources toward marketing or product design rather than using those same resources because of the idea that getting more advertisement and publicity directed towards the company can make them more known. They believe that their product should be the most valued advertisement, so putting it out there publicly will help them, more so sometimes in businesses they feel within the employees themselves. Marketing and advertising can show a businesses image, while you can’t typically get a good opinion on seeing an employee within the company solely. In addition, showing and focusing on your company through marketing will gain more employees and the attraction of working in that industry. 

Some potential strengths of an organization’s decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection would be the prioritizing of the marketing strategies through advertisement and media. This can have them focus more on expanding the product’s growth through adapting a better version, better upgrades, and more time focused on the product itself. Potential weaknesses of an organization’s decision to not prioritize recruitment and selection can be the turnover rate of the company. You may have raised a lot of attention to yourself and great products, but not being able to have the employees to sell and communicate that product can be a factor in not succeeding. Also, if you have not put effort into recruitment and selection, people may not know the business as well as others, and not feel comfortable with landing at the company. 

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