Week 1 Blog 1: The application process

Emily Bostrom

The last job that I applied for was for an internship. I had learned of the opportunity through the career fair and once I interviewed it was time to officially apply and go through the application process. It was interesting going through an interview process and showing my resume before actually applying. I had gone to the career fair loosely hoping for an internship but didn’t actually need one, so I went in with the mindset that if something came of it great, if not that’s also fine. 

I had a really positive experience with the person who I met at the career fair and she was one of the people in the interview. I thought it was interesting because there were two people interviewing me, and their chemistry and vibe was definitely off between one another. The woman I had previously met was very bubbly and talkative when the other woman wasn’t there, but when she came in to join her for the second part of the interview she became much less confident in the way she asked me questions and I took note of that. They were roughly the same age and same position, so it wasn’t like that woman was her supervisor and she was nervous. I didn’t feel that they had very good chemistry from there on out and they weren’t on the same page with questions they were asking. They repeatedly took their phones out while I was answering one of them, and because of this they asked me a few of the same questions. I took this as a sign to probably not apply, as it didn’t seem like a positive company culture or like the people interviewing me even liked each other or cared to be there.

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