
With the different dimensions of personality, I tested average on extraversion, low on agreeableness, average on conscientiousness, average on neuroticism, and low on openness to experience. I would agree with most of the testing that the results gave. I have always viewed myself on the middle scale of extraversion. I believe that this is how I am on some days, while others is that I do not have a problem with laying low and being on my own. Something that I was shocked by was being low on agreeableness. I believe that I show traits through teamwork and figuring out situations that would show tendencies on the positive side. Although this is the case, myself being agreeable does show through believing what they are saying, or agreeing if that seems to be the right thing. I would not agree with someone simply to just agree, or be on a better side, no matter the relationship. 

As a potential employer, I believe that they would look at my strengths and see in the conscientiousness category, that I am reliable, organized, and self controlled. This would be a strength to see as I am responsible, and am able to finish my tasks effectively and efficiently. Looking at my neuroticism, they would see my strengths in this category as I am able to cope with stressful situations, and be able to have a positive outcome and find the best solutions. Although being average with extraversion, it shows that I am able to be open and have those extroverted tendencies. While seeing those tendencies along with my resume on sales and customer service, they would be able to tell that I am a personable and collaborative candidate. While looking at my weaknesses from this assessment, a potential employer would look at my openness to experience. They would see that I was ranked lower in this category, being practical. This is something that I can work on to make sure that they do see that I am an open minded person. Although I like certain plans, organizational tendencies, and “plain” as the test stated, being able to step out of my comfort zone and show a potential employer that I can make any environment successful is what I need to work on for my future career. 

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