Category: Uncategorized

  • Saving the introductions for last.

    On Friday, November 4th a massive wind storm hit Washington state and took my power out for 4 days, so content might be a tad bit sparse this week. Fortunately, power has been restored and, after a brief lapse of internet connection, I am back just in time to discuss another round of Unity shenanigans!…

  • Shedding Some Light on the Situation

    Prepare for a massive video and image dump because I’ve been a busy little bee. Wow what a difference two weeks can make. After fixing up the pesky physics problems with grabbable objects, I used C# Interfaces to start creating items players can interact with in other ways. Here is an interactable TV: Early Work…

  • Getting a Grip on Unity

    It begins! It has been a busy week of gathering tutorials, setting up a discord, getting everyone on page with Plastic SCM, and finally starting work in Unity. Our Theme? The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Set during a cataclysmic event – perhaps nuclear winter – the player is forced to seek shelter in a…

  • Oblogatory Introductions.

    The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. Stephen King – The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger What better introduction than one lifted from a well recognized master of their craft.  Perhaps the only block that appears to be absent in WordPress, but is universally present at some point for all creative…