Shedding Some Light on the Situation

Prepare for a massive video and image dump because I’ve been a busy little bee.

The War Room as of today – Holy crap it looks like a video game!

Wow what a difference two weeks can make. After fixing up the pesky physics problems with grabbable objects, I used C# Interfaces to start creating items players can interact with in other ways.

Here is an interactable TV:

Fun Fact: The video has to be upside down to play properly on it.

Early Work on the Generator Puzzle:

Puzzle Spoilers. Though I can pretty easily change the decal on the side and the combination.

The Early Terminal Puzzles:

This was my first time learning about the Emission property on Materials.

From this point on I bid the test environment a fond farewell and created a new Scene and started putting together lighting and the general shape and layout of the War Room. Here is a peak at some of the early work:

It’s almost Halloween, so yes…I made glowsticks you can pick up and throw around.

There has been a *LOT* of script writing involving the Unity Engine Events system in order to control everything from the lights, to the terminals communicating with the main terminal in the center, to the beginnings of a small playable game within the game. Here are some screencaps of the most current work in progress!

And it wouldn’t be a Delving into Dev without a bug video to cap things off!

If this doesn’t load, you’ll have to open it in a new tab. Enjoy! 🙂

Until the next one everybody!

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