Week 4: Apr 18-22

Week four involved a lot of planning for an ideation meeting with a large company that happened on Friday the 22nd. We spent about three hours researching at grocery stores to see what other companies had come up with in the direction that the company we were working with wanted to go. After the research a lot of my time during the week was compiling all of the research we had found into a power point that we could share during the meeting. During the actual ideation meeting we split up into small groups with individuals who joined from their company. It was interesting to see what ideas they liked and which they turned down immediately based on the companies vision, standards and the regulations they wanted to avoid. I learned that every idea you have is important to communicate because while you may think an idea is great they may disagree or in my case during this meeting I had an idea which I thought was mediocre but the other people in my group thought it was so creative that I needed to write a paper on it. The idea I had was that a product could either be a side dish or a soup depending on the water level, so putting various water lines so the product would change depending on the consumers desired end product. For any one who reads this I would love feedback as to whether that actually was a good idea or any thought. I did not think it was very innovative but others thought differently.

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