
Week 8 Blog Post

Tyler McCleskey

I have personally engaged in certain behaviors with compensation being the primary reason for doing so. While I have not graduated college yet or begun my professional career, I have already accepted a position at a company that I plan on working for once I have finished up my classes. This particular company is known within the industry that I plan on working in to require fairly long hours and frequent relocation. However, many people also recognize that it is a good place to start out because employees are able to gain a lot of valuable experience early on in their careers by working there. Because of the downsides related to this position, this company also pays significantly higher than the industry average for entry level positions and I feel that this definitely affected my thought process in deciding whether or not to accept the offer. Moreover, they offer good benefits along with bonuses, cost of living adjustments, and employee stock programs for employees after a certain number of years. This compensation package has led me to make a decision that I otherwise might not have made were they not as competitive. 

Fortunately, I already have some experience with this company. Having previously worked a summer internship with them, I enjoyed my time there and gained valuable experience both in the industry itself as well as in learning what to expect as a full time employee. Regardless, knowing that this company does require employees to work longer hours, I might not have made the same decision to work there post graduation if I were not given the same offer that I got.