Category: Uncategorized

  • Firestore Adventure

    In a previous blog post, I wrote about Google Vision API and some of its features since then I got around to implementing it for our Smart Recycling Bin mobile app so it’s time for a little story about my Vision API adventure… PROLOGUE Prior to taking on this challenge, I took CS493 Cloud Application…

  • Machine Learning – Resources for Beginners

    Now it’s the middle of week three, which means that the projects are selected, groups are assigned and we are diving into the most interesting part of the semester.  Although the list of projects to choose from was quite long, the project that was my favorite and on which I am working right now is…


    As a new semester starts, here comes the first post for the CS467 Capstone project. As an artist stares at a blank canvas, I am staring at my empty blog thinking about the topic of this post, and all I can think of is the infamous conversation between George and Jerry Seinfeld  Well, since it’s…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!