Week 1 – CS 467

It has been a long but exciting journey to have finally come to my final quarter in OSU’s CS Post-Bacc Program. I began my journey at the start of 2020 with the hope that one day I would switch my career to a software developer. In a way this would be my second career change and I cannot be more excited of the challenges that may come my way.

Currently, I am working as a Product Manager for a Big4 accounting firm which I transitioned into at the same time I began this program. But before all that, I was working as an accountant in a tax consulting group within my firm. If I learned anything from my tax role, it was that I loved to learn new things and improve my skills. However, in that particular role I found it hard to recognize my achievements as after each project I would be moved on to the next without seeing the effects of my work. I decided that I wanted to be in a role where I could see my work come to life.

Prior to starting this program, I was learning some basic web development skills and found that I was having a lot of fun seeing what I learned become a simple application. That became the catalyst which made me decide that I wanted to become a software developer but I wanted a solid foundation before I made the switch. I’m confident that everything I have learned in this program will be applied to my next step towards becoming a software developer.

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