About MRM


Welcome to the Marine Resource Management Department within Oregon State University’s College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. Have a look around to get a more in depth look at what the MRM program, and the MRM community, are really like.  Be sure to check out the About MRM page for more information on what our students and faculty up to.  For insight into how MRM can shape your future please look at our Life After MRM page where we highlight alumni achievements and give you insight to our international MRM network.


The Marine Resource Management graduate program in the College of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences is a master’s degree program emphasizes research concerning the interface between ocean systems and human users.  This includes, but is not limited to:


Research by MRM students varies from social sciences, earth sciences, to biological sciences. Students have the opportunity to work within the university with leading researchers as well as with top industry professionals in the field of Marine Resource Management and are encouraged to be proactive and creative in the implementation of their research design.  Research flexibility is a hallmark of the MRM program and this is reflected in the diversity of research produced by students and our alumni.  For an in-depth look at MRM student research please visit our Student Research Page where we highlight a sample of our current student projects. For more information of where an MRM degree might take you visit our Alumni Page.


MRM Program Outcomes

During their tenure all MRM students are expected to produce a professionally written thesis or project document that meets publication standards.  At the completion of their degree MRM students will be able to prepare and deliver a professional quality oral presentation and will be able to effectively communicate marine issues in discussions with peers and general public. Students will demonstrate ability to solve problems, evaluate evidence and recognize bias; ability to adjust conclusions/approaches in face of new data or interpretation tools. Students will demonstrate in-depth knowledge of area of expertise and general breadth in the Marine Resource Management field. Students will demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues in Marine Resource Management and be able to fairly and ethically lead discussions with varied audiences on topics across the field.


Contact us!

We’d love your feedback- is there something you’d like to know more about?  Questions about applying?  Want to talk to a current student? Interested in connecting with alumni in your area?  Let us know!  You can contact Flaxen Conway, Assistant Director,  at fconway@coas.oregonstate.edu. 



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