Capstone Project #3

This last week, I have been learning things about API gateway and how to set up endpoints and use Lambda functions to handle the requests. I initially thought it would be easy to create resources, deploy and voila, we get a working endpoint. But it was more like, creating API gateway resources, writing lambda functions, create a schema for the requests, handle authorization, create loggers, set up permissions to read and write from DynamoDB, deploy and then finally test the endpoint. Ooofff!!!

Reading about the API gateway and creating these task lists took long time for me. I was able to set up the API endpoints in AWS, but still need to test it before finally putting it into use. Since working with API gateway is new for me, I was panicking at first and was questioning myself if I can things done before blocking anyone in the team. But after getting a basic understanding and workflow, things got a bit easier.

As developers, I think everyone has this fear or question themself while taking on a task they have never worked with before. But, after a few minutes of relaxation and looking at the task or problem with a fresh mind, everything looks solvable and get determination to arrive at the solution quickly.

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