Recordings & Resources

Basic Concepts of Forest Management. January 14, 2021. The fundamentals of site productivity. How site factors affect how many trees can grow and develop without too much stress. What happens when there are too many or too few trees for an area’s productive capability. Physical characteristics of trees that indicate health or stress. Basic measurements of tree density that can guide management for various objectives. Instructor: Daniel Leavell.

Silvicultural Systems. January 21, 2021. Features of differing approaches to managing forests. Even-aged vs. uneven-aged. Single vs. mixed species. Clearcut, selection, cohort, shelterwood, seed tree, and coppice systems. Thinning options. Regeneration, wildlife, and other considerations. Instructor: John Punches.

Principles of Density Management. January 28, 2021. How to know when you have too many, or not enough, trees. How to manage for optimal growth, health, or tree form. Options for mixed species and multi-aged stands. Instructor: Jacob Putney.

Managing for Timber. February 4, 2021. Applying principles of silviculture and density management to maximize tree growth and wood product yield – balanced with market and logging considerations. Instructor: Steve Fitzgerald.

Managing for Wildlife. February 18, 2021. Exploring the use of silvicultural techniques to retain and promote critical habitat elements for a variety of wildlife species, and the potential tradeoffs between forest management and wildlife conservation. Instructor: Thomas Stokely.

Managing for Grazing. February 25, 2021. How to manage trees when your real objective is to improve and maintain pasture. This session will examine options for juniper range and ponderosa pine/mixed conifer understories. Instructor: Pete Schreder.

Broadleaf Identification and Management. March 4, 2021. Characteristics and identification of broadleaf tree and shrub species, with advice on how to manage for varying objectives. Instructor: Thomas Stokely.

Reforestation and Vegetation Management. March 11, 2021. Establishing young trees through planting or natural regeneration. Considerations for reducing competition from other plants. Oregon’s reforestation requirements/rules. Instructor: Thomas Stokely.

Managing Slash and Fuels. March 18, 2021. Ariel Cowan.

Managing Ponderosa Pine. March 25, 2021. Daniel Leavell.

Managing Mixed Species. April 8, 2021. Jacob Putney.

Managing Western and Rocky Mountain Juniper. April 15, 2021. John Rizza.

Managing Lodgepole Pine. April 22, 2021. Jacob Putney.

For additional information about forests and forestry in Oregon, visit the Know Your Forests website.