Week 4 Blog Post: Maintaining & Developing Job Descriptions

Developing and maintaining are essential to a company’s success. It is important for companies to have these documents public to the employees of the company as all employees should know what their jobs entail and what each employee’s responsibilities are. This summer I had an internship at a large construction company and on the first day I was handed a two page document of what a “Intern Project Engineer” daily tasks were and what the company expects from someone in this possition. I also learned later on that the comapny server had a public folder to all employees to see what each job title entailed.

Although I think it is just as important to have good hiring practices to have a succesful company. Companies should constantly be inovating job discriptions and job titles I believe yearly would be an appropriate for HR managers to update. All of these are contrivercial and the approcahes should be diversified using multiuple data collections from primary and seconadry sources.

The most important factor in companies succeding is always trying and implemanting/testing ways to be more effiecent. While also trying to make the employees job tasks more straight foward will help reduce confusion. Doing this can help employees psychological state, as if they feel good about what they are doing it can help retain employees. It is also beneficial to reduce feedback from your peers as well as your managers to make sure you continue to develope your carear.

Lastly I have found that participating in activites outside of the office with peers have improved relationships and have made my past jobs more totlerable. I found this interesting article by “mentor works” about the importance of emplyee engagement through social events. The article spends a lot time explaining how the price of these events can budgeted into the companies expense and how the trade off is worth it due to the fact that it helps building relationships between different groups within the company and also helps strength culture and moral.

Work Cited:

Szikora, Caitlin. “Fostering Employee Engagement through Work Social Events.” Mentor Works, 11 Sept. 2019, https://www.mentorworks.ca/blog/business-strategy/work-social-events-benefits/. 

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