
Oral Presentations

Delivered at scientific conferences to peers

First author was presenter in all listed below. Graduate and undergraduate students advised by me, in my lab, or for whom I am a committee member with a significant mentorship role are indicated with “*”.

International presentations

Oral Presentation

Nouri, A*., Singh, S*., Singh, S., Lukas, S., Machado, S. International Annual Meeting. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, “When does cover crop reduce nitrate leaching? A global meta-analyses”, Virtual presentation (Due to COVID-19). (November 10, 2021)

Singh, S., Nouri, A*., Singh, S*., Machado, S., Lukas, S., Cappellazzi, S. International Annual Meeting. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, “Evaluating soil health indices under diverse agromanagements of dryland wheat systems in inland Pacific Northwest”, Virtual presentation (Due to COVID-19). (November 9, 2021)

Singh, S*., Singh, S., Nouri, A*., Lukas, S., Machado, S., Rieke, E., Cappellazzi, S. International Annual Meeting. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, “Microbial activity and bacterial community structure responses to various agromanagements under dryland wheat systems”, Virtual presentation (Due to COVID-19). (November 9, 2021)

Qin, R., Lukas, S., Machado, S. 2019 International Annual Meeting. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, “The effect of biochar and organic manure on crop productivities and soil quality,” San Antonio, TX. (November 13, 2019).

Qin, R., Anderson, N. P., Walenta, D. L., Lukas, S. 2018. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, “Effects of trinexapac-ethyl plant growth regulator and nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass seed production in the Columbia Basin,” Baltimore, Maryland. (November 2018).


Jeliazkov, V., Roseburg, R., Charlton, B., Qin, R., Wang, G., Jeliazkova, E., Wysocki, D., Reitz, S., Jones, G., Lukas, S., Nackley, L., Noller, J. 2020. International Annual Meeting. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. “Industrial hemp biomass and essential oil yield as a function of location, seeding date, and row spacing”. Virtual presentation. (November 9, 2020).

Lukas, S., Miles, C., Devi, P*. International Society for Horticultural Science, “Field evaluation of new watermelon grafting methods to reduce verticillium wilt,” Charlotte, NC. (July 16, 2019).

National presentations

Oral Presentation

Gregory, A*., Lukas, S., Orr, S., Bryla, D. American Society for Horticultural Science,Response of six cultivars of highbush blueberry to different rates of humic acids in hydroponic solution”, Virtual presentation (Due to COVID-19). (August 8, 2021)

Watson, B*., Lukas, S., Morris, L., DeBano, S. Society for Range Management, “Comparing floral resources between native prairie and seeded old fields on the Pacific Northwest bunchgrass prairie”, Virtual presentation (Due to COVID-19). (February 17, 2021).

Lukas, S. American Society for Horticultural Science, “Developing Roots: Building a new horticulture program at Oregon State University,” Orlando, Florida (held virtually due to COVID-19). (August 11, 2020).

Lukas, S., Miles, C., Devi, P*., American Society for Horticultural Science, “Field performance and fruit quality for splice-grafted watermelons without cotyledons,” Orlando, Florida (held virtually due to COVID-19). (August 10, 2020).

Devi, P*., Lukas, S., Miles, C., American Society for Horticultural Science, “Increasing efficacy and survival of watermelon grafted without cotyledons,” Orlando, Florida (held virtually due to COVID-19). (August 10, 2020).

Lukas, S. American Society of Horticultural Science, “Building a new horticulture program in the Columbia Basin of the Western United States,” Las Vegas, NV. (July 24, 2019).

Lukas, S., Qin, R., American Society of Horticultural Science, “Optimizing sub-surface drip irrigation in course soil onion production,” Las Vegas, NV. (July 23, 2019).

Qin, R., Sathuvalli Rajakalyan, V., Lukas, S., Pavek, M., American Society of Horticultural Science, “Potassium requirement for the main potato varieties in the Columbia Basin of Oregon,” Las Vegas, NV. (July 23, 2019).

Lukas, S. American Society of Horticultural Science, “Utilizing sub-surface drip irrigation in coarse soil onion systems,” Las Vegas, NV. (July 23, 2019).

Lukas, S., Qin, R., American Society of Horticultural Science, “Optimizing sub-surface drip irrigation in course soil onion production,” Las Vegas, NV. (July 23, 2018).

Lukas, S. American Society for Horticultural Science, “Developing a horticulture program in the Columbia Basin of the western United States: the first year,” Waikaloa, Hawaii. (September 20, 2017).


Kumari, P*., Lukas, S., Singh, S*., Bryla, D. American Society for Horticultural Science,Assessment of feedstock materials for producing a suitable and cost-effective biochar to use as a soil amendment for northern highbush blueberry”, Virtual presentation (Due to COVID-19). (August 8, 2021)

Watson, B*., Lukas, S. Society for Range Management, “Forb community response to invasive species, grazing, and prescribed burns in the Pacific Northwest bunchgrass prairie,” Denver, CO. (February 20, 2020).

Littlefield, K*., Lukas, S. Society for Range Management, “Habitat differences for native ground-nesting bees between reseeded old fields and native prairie in the Pacific Northwest bunchgrass prairie,” Denver, CO. (February 20, 2020).

Lukas, S., Miles, C., Devi, P*. American Society of Horticultural Science, “Watermelon field evaluation of fruit maturity for new and existing grafting methods,” Las Vegas, NV. (July 23, 2019).

Emerson, K*., Lukas, S., DeBano, S. Schmalz, H., Morris, L. Society for Range Management, “Evaluation of dynamic soil properties in a Pacific Northwest bunchgrass prairie exposed to livestock grazing and prescribed fire,” Minneapolis, MN. (February 11, 2019).

Rygg, M., Watson, B*., Morris, L., DeBano. S., Lukas, S. Society for Range Management, “Long-term effects of prescribed fire on forb cover in the Pacific Northwest bunchgrass prairie,” Minneapolis, MN. (February 11, 2019).

Baldos, O. C, Lukas, S., Defrank, J. Native Seed Conference, “Building a portable after-ripening bucket for relieving dormancy of small seed batches,” Washington D.C. (February 14, 2017).

Delivered to extension audiences:


Managing soil pH in blueberry in eastern Oregon, North Willamette REC Blueberry field day, Gregory, A., Lukas, S. Aurora, OR. July 15, 2021.

Western water hemp study updates from HAREC, Global Hemp Innovation Center field day, virtual (due to pandemic). September 23, 2020.

Converting from overhead to drip irrigation, North Willamette Horticultural Society annual conference, Clackamas, OR. January 29, 2020.

Hemp production considerations, insects and diseases, North Willamette Horticultural Society annual conference, Clackamas, OR. January 29, 2020.

How can OSU help you? Hemp needs assessment for regional growers, Hermiston Farm Fair Kaiser, C., Lukas, S. Hermiston, OR. December 4, 2019.

Optimizing subsurface drip irrigation in onions of the Columbia Basin, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. December 4, 2019.

Heat tolerance and production of 38 broccoli varieties in the Columbia Basin, Hermiston Farm Fair. Clark, L*., Lukas, S. Hermiston, OR. December 4, 2019.

Drip irrigation of onions on sandy soils, Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association, Kennewick, WA. November 20, 2019.

Watermelon plant survival and fruit quality for novel grafting methods, Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association, Kennewick, WA. November 20, 2019.

Heat tolerance and production of 38 broccoli varieties in the Columbia Basin, Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association, Clark, L*., Lukas, S. Hermiston, OR. November 20, 2019.

Review of the pesticide label, Pesticide CORE training, Hermiston, OR, March 14, 2019.

Understanding and applying pesticide label information, Pesticide CORE training, Hermiston, OR. March 13, 2019.

Effects of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass seed production, International Herbage Seed Group, Qin, R., Anderson, N. P., Walenta, D. L., Lukas, S. Corvallis, OR. March 10, 2019.

Pests and diseases of watermelons, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. November 30, 2018.

Managing spray drift to maximize efficacy and minimize losses, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. Two events, November 29 and 30, 2018.

Using drip irrigation to keep water and fertilizer where it counts, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. November 28, 2018.

Optimizing sub-surface drip irrigation in sandy soil- management strategies for onion production, Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association, Kennewick, WA. November 14, 2018.

Optimizing sub-surface drip irrigation in onion production systems, Washington State University onion field day, Richland, WA. August 30, 2018.

HAREC horticulture lab update, HAREC advisory group meeting, Hermiston, OR. April 18, 2018.

Review of the pesticide label and methods to reduce spray drift, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. December 1, 2017.

Spray safe: review of the pesticide label, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. November 30, 2017.

Evaluation of new chemical technologies for broadleaf weed control in onion production systems, Columbia Basin Onion Research Committee, Kennewick, WA. November 14, 2017.

Use of pesticides in vegetation management: review of product label sections and chemical drift, Hermiston Farm Fair, Hermiston, OR. December 2, 2016.

Use of Pesticides in Vegetation Management: Review of product label sections and chemical drift, Hermiston Farm Fair Hermiston, OR. December 1, 2016.

Understanding fundamentals of pesticides in production Oregon Agricultural Chemicals and Fertilizer Association, Pendleton, OR. October 31, 2016.


Farber, J*., Lukas, S., OSU Branch Experiment Station Experiential Expo, “Evaluating subsurface drip irrigation in onion production to increase economic profits,” Corvallis, OR. (October 24, 2019). Best BES presentation award recipient.

Littlefield, K*., Lukas, S., OSU Branch Experiment Station Experiential Expo, “Habitat differences for native ground-nesting bees between reseeded old fields and native prairie in the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie,” Corvallis, OR. (October 24, 2019).

Branch, V*., Lukas, S., OSU Branch Experiment Station Experiential Expo, “Evaluating subsurface drip irrigation in onion crop production to decrease water and nitrate losses,” Corvallis, OR. (October 16, 2018).

Emerson, K*., Lukas, S., DeBano, S., Schmalz, H. Morris, L., OSU Branch Experiment Station Experiential Expo, “The effect of livestock grazing and prescribed fire on soil compaction and moisture in the Pacific Northwest,” Corvallis, OR. (October 16, 2018).

Kidd, C., DeBano, S., Schmalz, H., Morris, L., Lukas, S., Mitchell, S., OSU Branch Experiment Station Internship Symposium, “Richness assessment of bee and plant species in agricultural vs. natural ecosystems in Northeastern Oregon,” Corvallis, OR. (October 16, 2018).

McKnight, J., Mitchell, S., DeBano, S., Lukas, S., Schmalz, H., Morris, L., OSU Branch Experiment Station Internship Symposium, “The effect of soil compaction on native bee pollinators,” Corvallis, OR. (October 16, 2018).

Rygg, M., Watson, B*., Morris, L., DeBano, S., Lukas, S., OSU Branch Experiment Station Internship Symposium, “The effect of livestock grazing and prescribed fire on soil compaction and moisture in the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie,” Corvallis, OR. (October 16, 2018).

Shaw, G*., Lukas, S., OSU Branch Experiment Station Internship Symposium, “Evaluation of sustainable products to reduce fusarium wilt in watermelon production,” Corvallis, OR. (October 17, 2017).

Recorded Content:

Devi, P., Attavar, A., Lukas, S., Miles, C. 2019. Watermelon grafting training class.  OSU and WSU horticulture joint training.  Oregon State University, Hermiston, OR.  (April 12, 2019).

Lukas, S.B – Author & Presenter, Hermiston Farm Fair, “Pests and Diseases of Watermelons”, Hermiston, OR. (November 30, 2018).

Lukas, S.B – Author & Presenter, Hermiston Farm Fair, “Managing Spray Drift to Maximize Efficacy and Minimize losses”, Hermiston, OR. (November 29, 2018).