By Laurel Kristick
February 12-16, 2015
San Jose California
This was an excellent conference for librarians interested in science, communication, policy, education and related issues. The theme of the meeting was Innovations, Information, and Imaging. The sessions I attended were focused on research integrity, diversity in STEM, outreach and engagement, and science communication. I was able to attend three sessions where OSU faculty were speaking or moderating: Francis Chan (Integrative Biology), Paul Farber (History), Anita Guerrini (History). There were also a number of sessions that I would have liked to attend but conflicted with other sessions.
Key Takeaways:
- Outreach and engagement are important for academics and other researchers. If you want involvement from others there are 3 models from citizen science: contributory (citizens contribute data), collaborative (citizens take part in planning or analyzing), Co-created (2-way learning process between scientists and citizens)
- In scientific outreach and communication, the LIVA strategy can help with addressing the biases of the audience: LIVA = Leverage scientific credibility and Involve the audience in Visualizing scientific evidence and making sense of an illustrative Analogy.
- Research Misconduct is a systemic issue, not just a few bad apples, and organizational change and mentoring may be needed to fix systemic problems (SIDENOTE: on the flight home, I was readingMistakes Were Made (But Not By Me), which reflects many of the ideas I heard at the conference about research integrity)
- The “leaking pipeline” analogy related to diversity in STEM education is flawed as it only considers the path from doctoral student to full professor in a research university; need to include alternative career paths (policy, science communication, liberal arts schools, community college, industry) – are the graduates utilizing their education and experience; are they doing what they want
Further Reading
- Conference of Minority Women Scientists (1975 : Warrenton, VA). The double bind: the price of being a minority woman in science. (1976) (
- Institute of Medicine. Integrity in scientific research: creating an environment that promotes responsible conduct. (2002) (
- Ordóñez, Lisa D., Maurice E. Schwietzer, Adam D. Galinsky, and Max H. Bazerman. Goals gone wild: the systematic side effects of over-prescribing goal setting. Working Paper 09-083. (2009) (
- Sarewitz, Daniel. Frontiers of illusion: science, technology and the politics of progress. (1996) Q127.U6 S25 1996 (
- Senge, Peter M. The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. (1990) HD58.9 .S46 1990 (
- Tavris, Carol and Elliot Aronson. Mistakes were made (but not by me): why we justify foolish beliefs, bad decisions, and hurtful acts. (2007) (
- Teitelbaum, Michael S. Falling behind? Boom, bust, and the global race for scientific talent. (2014) Q149.U5 T45 2014 (
- Tobias, Sheila and Daryl E. Chubin. Rethinking science as a career : perceptions and realities in the physical sciences. (1995) Q147 .T631 1995 (
- United States. President’s Science Advisory Committee. Scientific progress, the universities, and the Federal government; statement. (1960) Q180.U5 A395 (
- Alberts, Bruce, et. al. “Rescuing US biomedical research from its systemic flaws.” PNAS (2014) (
- Couzin, Jennifer. “Truth or consequences.” Science, Vol. 313, no. 5791, pp. 122-1226 (
- Couzin-Frankel, Jennifer. “Scientist turned in by grad students for misconduct pleads guilty.” Science Insider (June 28, 2010) (
- Fuhrmann, C. N., D. G. Halme, P. S. O’Sullivan, B. Lindstaedt. “Improving graduate education to support a branching career pipeline.” CBE – Life Sciences Education (2011) (
- Jamieson, Kathleen Hall and Bruce W. Hardy, “Leveraging scientific credibility about Arctic sea ice trends in a polarized political environment.” PNAS (2014) Vol. 111, Supplement 4 (
- Joffe-Walt, Chana and Alix Spiegel. “Psychology of fraud: Why good people do bad things.” All Things Considered, (May 01, 2012) (
- Lukas, C. V., et. al. “Transformational change in health care systems: An organizational model.” Health Care Management Review, (2007) Oct-Dec, Vol.32(4), pp.309-320 (
- Obokata, Haruko, et. al. “Retraction: Bidirectional developmental potential in reprogrammed cells with acquired pluripotency.” Nature (2014) vol. 511, issue 7507 (
- Stodden, Victoria. “ Integrity, reproducibility & the changing technological environment for research.”; slides from AAAS presentation (
- Whitesides, George M. and John Deutch. “Let’s get practical,” Nature (2011). (
- AcademiaNet: Profiles of Leading Women Scientists (
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Trellis: (
- California Ocean Science Trust, The West Coast Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia Science Panel (OAH), (
- Council of Graduate Schools, Project for Scholarly Integrity (
- Coursera (
- Field School Pozzeveri in Medieval Archaeology and Bioarchaeology (
- Georgia Institute of Technology, NETWISE I & II (
- Gender Summit 3 – North America 2013 (
- Gender Summit 4 – Europe 2014 (
- Gender Summit – Future Conferences (
- Higher Education Research Institute, HERI Faculty Survey (
- National Center for Professional and Research Ethics, Ethics CORE (Collaborative Online Resource Environment) (
- National Institutes of Health Broadening Experience in Scientific Training (BEST) grants (
- National Science Foundation, ADVANCE Program (
- National Science Foundation, Research Traineeship (NRT) Program. 2 tracks – traineeship, innovations in graduate education (
- National Science Foundation, Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering (
- Research Ambassadors: (
- Survey of Organization Research Climate (SORC) (