Designing For Digital 2016 Conference (Austin, TX)


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Opening Keynote: Jesse James Garrett  

What do you want people to say about your product? “Can’t live without it”

Picture a triangle: Tech is the base but features are the next layer to consider (ex, first word processor “word star,” then word with all toolbars turned on,  but that overwhelms users with too much). Experience sits at the top of the triangle.  1984 Steve jobs quote: “When you start looking at a problem, it seems really simple—because you don’t understand its complexity. And your solutions are way too oversimplified, and they don’t work. Then you get into the problem and you see it’s really complicated. And you come up with all these convoluted solutions. That’s where most people stop, and the solutions tend to work for a while. But the really great person will keep going and find the key underlying principle of the problem and sort of come full circle with a beautiful, elegant solution that works.” 

Key concepts:

  • Start w the customer experience and work backwards
  • Human engagement key
  • Products are people too (ex, people give names to their cars!)
  • Use repeatedly, recommend to a friend, would buy again
  • Experiences with products build relationships (and create loyalty)

My presentation:  Ask Me! A Mobile Concierge Station as a Library Wayfinding Solution

photo by Rachel V of Beth presenting

Beth, using her hands too much as usual



  • Consider taking it around campus
  • Try using it on other floors
  • Using for other events
  • Try working with web folks to determine if we can make changes there as well
  • Hire students just to do this, where a vest, super outgoing and friendly (another university does this)


Journey from subjective to objective capturing user experience

By Librarians at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
(their presentation was not uploaded to the site yet – lame!) 

It is the norm to conduct usability testing for library’s websites. Often, these tests focus only on effectiveness or efficiency rather than measuring users’ experiential perspectives This presentation covered UX research conducted in the fall 2015 semester.

  • User experience testing during library instruction
  • Screencastomatic , preloaded on computers
  • Testing website navigation
  • Learned tips as an instructor on improving teaching too
  • Used lemon tree software (?)

texas chili parlot

lunch with my former boss who was in town visiting his family, at the famous Texas Chili Parlor

Serve Design  – afternoon workshop – by Matt Franks, Faculty, Austin Center for Design

Book Recommendations:   Exposing the magic of design by Jon kolko  and Innovation X by Adam Richardson

“Services are co produced by people using them”

Independent touch points:

  • Perceived by users as a single functioning entity
  • Used together over time to solve a problem or achieve a goal

Process to service design-  Ethnography, Synthesis, Prototyping

Customer journey map exercise:

  • Perished state, what people working there think
  • Actual state, observe.
  • Do both and compare!


  • Thoughts and perceptions
  • Feeling and emotions
  • Actions and behaviors

Researching the systems –

  • Environment
  • Recognitions and response
  • Affordance and indication

Activity Service Design Timeline (Journey mapping): Reflection timeline, draw a line, choose a time scale, intro a frame of reference, create first point “you are here now”, ask someone how did you get here, why did you come here. Shoot for 10-14 people

  • Do this in the environment where you are researching so thy can think about it visually and point to things.
  • Cut up all the things said and put on a wall to try to get patterns and theme
  • Mix the data up regardless of person
  • Sketch a visual flow of the data, touch points (sometimes have to infer touchpoints), visually add smiley faces etc.
  • Scale can be flexible, small timeframe or large
  • Learn to take better notes!
  • Create vignettes that illustrate a potential solution to a problem. One page.

notes from exercise sample timeline journey mapfinal ideas/prototyopes





Applying this back to our libraries:

  • There is a difference between Demographic vs User Group!
  • Don’t be predictive but provocative
  • Pay them with food (since we cant pay them $60/hour!)
  • Try these as the topic: “I want to get an understanding of your perception of the library” OR   “How does the library fit into your world”  perhaps walk through library with them, record with audio, and write while walking, always 1:1
  • Be concerned about everything – and be prepared to do it yourself
  • Get out of the building
  • Stop talking and make something

Screen printing the bags at the conference reception!

Screen printing the bags at the conference reception

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Constant strategy – morning workshop –  by Sarah Kznarich  @kznarich

Book: How to make sense of any mess by Abby Covert
Sarah says:  Learn to write if it’s the one thing you do!

“Content strategy plans for the creation, publication, and governance of useful usable content”

  • Vision, goals and planning: What are your core values? Take them to the next level, why and how.  (Core messaging mad lib exercise)
  • Business goals now and users needs/tasks are key to understand and connect. (exercise).
  • Golden or core content-  Venn diagram of biz needs overlapping with user needs is core content.
  • Voice and tone leads to brand personality.
  • What we can do at OSU, take our core values and find ways to integrate that and get that in tone and voice in our library web site.

Margot Bloomstein, godmother of message architecture. @mbloomstein

brand sort exercise with a bought stack of cards:

  • Gather stakeholders
  • Categorize
  • Facilitate
  • Filter
  • Prioritize
  • Yay

Check out

“Be human, think about people at their worst and they’ll work much better when they are at their best too”

Organizing content:

Example:  menu bar that says just “resources, recommendations, research”as over arching categories, super menu below shows subcontent, a good way to organize.

Tools to use:

  • Optional sort  -$
  • Board thing – free
  • Trello – free

Content audit tools: CAT (content analysis tool)  OR Screaming frog

determining your biz objectives slide by @kznarich

used to define each page on the website

qualitative slide by @kznarich

who is in charge or what and when slide by @kznarich considering those involved and regular updates










Intro to Tableau
By Sarah  Tudesco Assessment Librarian, Yale University

  • Works in Mac and PC
  • Tableau public version too (less filters)
  • Started at Stanford, 7 years ago, VizQL for Data viz
  • Good for… Visual analytics, ad hoc analysis, dashboards
  • Not good for… Data warehouse or spreadsheet replacement, extract-transform-load tool

Our walk through in the session:

  • Once data in tableau, choose live or extract. Being new or needing to be fast then choose extract.
  • Filter next before bringing into tableau
  • At bottom click on the orange highlighted “sheet 1” – now you are in the work interface
  • Note dimensions and measures
  • Started by clicking # of records… Then can add other data points…can add other data points by dragging to “marks” box then choose way to add it.
  • Circular colored buttons are called pills.
  • Measure, right click to change the data type
  • Commons Z to undo
  • Different things happen when you click on things in different order, but you can always undo and go back.


Something borrowed: interactive space planning and design
By Marisa Ball Florida International University Libraries

  • Iteration in space planning, small incremental steps, but over all plan/timeline.
  • It will be a lot harder to undue bad space design than it is for web design
  • End result or product — critique or review — analysis of data and feedback — insights identified — back iteration again
  • How to ID problems? Twitter was huge. Observational studies, student projects,


Did not attend this one but the slides/content are great! Write Responsively: Content as a Touchpoint


Understanding Service Design Principles in Creating Effective Library Services and Spaces by Kris Johnson (MSU)  

Book recommendation – Encoding Space: Shaping Learning Environments That Unlock Human Potential by Brian Matthews and  Leigh Ann Soistmann

Need of an overall Master plan for your space, do not do in small pieces – holistic is key! First did lots of small manipulations to spaces over the years  … But then slowed down and started thinking about the library as a whole.


  • Think about if you do yourself or a consultant
  • RFP for a master plan. Selected 2 from 6 proposals, selected a firm that is both architectural and design focused, particularly focusing on service design.
  • First step in master plan- talk to lots of people, both in the library, all stakeholders, etc.
  • Service design task force was carefully selected with right ethos of being open minded and constructively and from the whole library
  • 30/55 library staff came to the visioning session for library staff
  • To recruit students don’t do rsvps. They did push digital flyer to digital boards around campus.. But table in lobby of library and clip board to sign up was best

Cool Tools!!!

Visioning cards – pick a card that represents the library today and one you wish the library episode be; translates to flip card with keywords and orally report out. Design team took this and translated to key themes.

Headline activity – it’s a opening day of the library and pick a headline that would encapsulate, as individuals and then in groups, then on sticky notes on the wall. Design team then translated them into key themes.

Trends (I second that) – controversial statement, quickly agree or disagree “the future of a library is about technology but not books” then you vote on 1-2 you like, and then articulate and advocate on why.

Keep/toss/create what you still really like about the library, what would you toss, and waists something news.

Ideal user experience map think about one task to accomplish, think about everything that goes into that process (columns of 5 E’s

What makes a great service? Activity –  Creating  group created the service philosophy

This took 2/3 of the process.

The building plan now, is last 1/3 of the process.

The architects sat through every single meeting until now!

Service design feedback steps:

  • Identity patterns
  • Share back to stakeholders
  • Understand organizational implications – not all is space related
  • Make decision based on previousLy defined priorities or set priorities and make decisions.


Closing Keynote: Library Innovation By Design
Michelle Ha Ticker formally of IDEO now with FLUX

Design thinking for libraries:

Desire – feasible – viable, where they connect is innovation!

Inspiration then ideation then iteration (see photo)

Inspiration- Field work, get our from desk have people show you not just tell you or do a survey check a box

Ideation – is best when working off ideas of other people, be visual, encourage wild idea, defer judgement

Iteration -think with your hands

All you need is  creativity, curiously,  fresh eyes

Rethink our thinking  from … to…

  • Reflecting on data … Imagining a future
  • Secondary research answers questions…. Design research opens up new questions
  • Org is structured by operational teams … Org is driven by strategic teams
  • Failure is avoided… Failure is invited

T shaped people very good in one area

X shaped people come from more than one field…better!! They are more diverse and play well with others.

Innovation is a verb not a noun. A process and an outcome.


Thinking big but starting small Libraries are a living lab | Librarians are great service designers!


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