Andrew Wilson’s Leadership Evolution

The purpose of this site is to reflect and analyze my past, present, and future leadership ideas and vision, in the attempts to identify the leader that I am and to become a better future leader.  Throughout this semester, in ‘AHE 400 – Leaderships and Relationships’, we have discussed and reflected on leadership beliefs, ideals, styles, and much more in order to help us reflect on the leaders we are and to create a leadership path going forward.  This site is a reflection of the leader I am today and using the materials and lessons from this class, I hope you will be able to identify a leadership path that I have created throughout the semester that truly helps me evolve into a better leader. 

This website is a snapshot of the leader that I am and want to become, however I hope that as I continue learning, leading, and reflecting, my leadership will continue evolving, which will lead me down other paths.  

I hope that whatever your leadership path has been, that you continue your evolution and perhaps one or two of my own insights will foster a spark and aid your leadership evolution.  

Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” – John F. Kennedy

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