IPIP Results and Reactions

My results were:

Extraversion- low

It was really nice to see the breakdown within these categories and see my scores in the subdomains. Although I had a low score overall for extraversion, I had quite high scores in several of the subdomains including: friendliness, cheerfulness, and very high on assertiveness.

Agreeableness- high

My highest scores among the subdomains were in: trust, altruism, and cooperation. My lowest score was in sympathy which made me feel a little concerned. The test result said that those who score low in sympathy typically make judgements based on reason which I found helpful for understanding that score.

Conscientiousness- high

This domain was my highest score for the entire test and my number was at the top of the scale. I had mostly all high scores in the subdomains but my highest were self-efficacy, self discipline, and cautiousness.

Neuroticism- low

I scored very low overall in this domain but had a higher score in the sub domain of anxiety. People with higher scores in this area may be afraid of specific situations which I definitely identify with!

Openness to Experience- low

This was my lowest domain in the entire test. A low score, as indicated by the results page, suggests that I like to think in plain and simple terms. I identify with being labeled down to earth and practical so this makes sense! My one high sub domain was intellect, which means that I am open-minded and like to debate intellectual issues.

Looking at my results among these dimensions of personality, I think an employer would definitely notice my super high scores in conscientiousness. I think this would favorably impact their decision to hire me because as we learned in lecture, this is one dimension that has been shown to correlate to job performance. Because of these high scores in the area, I think they would know that I am a hard worker and that I push myself to do my best. They can trust that if they give me a job to do, I will see it through and accomplish the objectives of the task.

Although the other dimensions are not as good at predicting job performance, I think my high score in agreeableness would indicate to employers that I work well with others and enjoy helping and collaborating. These are skills for working in a team that many employers look for in an individual.

Scoring low in neuroticism is a good thing in terms of what it means to someone reviewing the scores. A low score tells them that I am level-headed and calm which is clearly a good sign to have in an employee and for the climate of the company. Being scored low on neuroticism I feel lets an employer know that I have control over my emotions.

My score for extraversion is low which could be seen as a negative to an employer. This is where my high scores among the sub domains would be really beneficial in showing an employer my strengths. Although I may not thrive in huge groups of people, this doesn’t mean that I’m not friendly or cheerful and does not impact my ability to make friends and make people feel comfortable! Scoring high on assertiveness also I feel is a major strength to an employer, especially for a management type of position.

Lastly, my super low score in openness to experience could also maybe be seen as a negative but could also be taken as a positive to an employer. If I was looking for a creative or artistic position this would be a weakness but given the types of jobs that I am interested in, I don’t think this would impact me negatively in the eyes of the employer.

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2 thoughts on “IPIP Results and Reactions”

  1. Katharine,

    Great post! I believe that having a lower level of extraversion is not a negative thing. Those that are not very extroverted can still be great leaders, public speakers, and work well with others. Extroverts and introverts I fell lie on a spectrum – some things/situations may make an extrovert feel more introverted, where some things/situations might make a introvert feel more extroverted. I scored very high on extraversion, but there are still some types of gatherings, tasks, or topics that still make me feel introverted at times. It really depends the task, job, or event at hand. Also, if all employees and everyone in management positions were high extroverts, I feel the company would be chaotic and lack diversity with different personalities. Having people that are lower in extroversion, still friendly and cheerful employees that are just as hardworking, can be just as positive to a company along with those that may be louder or more assertive in large group settings.

  2. Hi Katharine! It was really interesting to read your test results because for the most part they were very different than my own. (The only facet where our results seemed very similar was for conscientiousness.) I think reading over your analysis at the end of your results really gave me a better understanding of how in different job contexts, different ends of the spectrum can be seen as a positive or a negative. Great post!

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