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Hello, I’m Kristin  October 1st, 2024

Hi everyone! I’m Kristin, and I’m thrilled to start this blog to share my journey in my computer science capstone course. I currently live in Corvallis, Oregon in the Pacific Time Zone. When I’m not studying, you’ll probably find me either exploring new shows, working on my fitness routine, or at bible study.

What Got Me Started with Computers

My passion for computers and software started when I was young, tinkering with whatever technology I could get my hands on. I vividly remember the first time I built a website as a hobby project, and that sparked my curiosity about programming. That interest grew when I realized the potential of software to solve complex problems and real-world applications.

My Journey with OSU

I’m currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science at Oregon State University. It’s been an exciting, challenging, and rewarding journey so far. OSU has offered me a solid foundation in software deployment, algorithms, and systems. From introductory coding classes to advanced topics, OSU has shaped my technical and problem-solving skills immensely. OSU has also encouraged me to continue learning using outside resources like codeacademy and Tryhackme to explore my curiosity.

Current Job

Currently, I work full-time as an IT Project Manager, where I get to blend my technical knowledge with project management skills. This role has given me insight into how technology projects come together through the planning and execution phases to deliver real results for stakeholders. It’s a balancing act managing a team while also diving into coding on my own time, but I love every moment of it.

Favorite Technologies

My favorite technologies include Python for its versatility and simplicity and MySQL for database management. I’m also fascinated by web development frameworks like Flask and React, which allow me to build both the frontend and back end of web applications. Lately, I’ve been diving deeper into machine learning, and experimenting with frameworks.

Capstone Project Interests

I’m particularly excited about working on projects that combine my passion for software development and my experience in project management. A few areas that interest me include:

  • Building a Full-Stack Web Application: I’d love to create a comprehensive full-stack application with a focus on user experience, backend efficiency, and scalability. This project would allow me to use technologies like Flask, React, and AWS to build something impactful.
  • Machine Learning Integration: Another project I’m excited about is integrating machine learning into a real-world application. Whether it’s predictive analytics, recommendation systems, or automating processes with AI, I’m eager to explore the possibilities that ML offers
  • Cloud-Based Application Development: I want to delve deeper into cloud technologies like AWS to develop applications that take advantage of cloud computing. Working on deploying and scaling apps in a cloud environment would be an excellent way to bridge my technical skills with current industry trends.

Two projects stand out for their real-world impact and technical challenges: Creating Portland’s Open Data Digital Commons and Predictive Modeling of 911 Calls for Fire Department Planning. Both align with my interests in full-stack development, data systems, and public service.

  1. Creating Portland’s Open Data Digital Commons

This project is about building a shared data library for the City of Portland, focusing on equity datasets. The goal is to make data available to the community through a digital commons. I’m excited about this project because:

  • It promotes equity and transparency by making data accessible for public use.
  • I’d work with open-source tools to build a cloud-based data catalog.
  • It allows me to handle data pipelines and API integration, while also learning about cloud architecture.
  • The project explores continuous development/integration (CI/CD) practices, which is great for improving my engineering skills.

2. Predictive Modeling of 911 Calls for Fire Departments Planning

This project involves building a predictive model for forecasting 911 calls, helping fire departments improve their response times, and resource planning. I’m drawn to this project because:

  • It has a direct impact on public safety, potentially saving lives by predicting future emergencies.
  • I’d gain experience building a web application, from the UI/UX to the backend and database integration.
  • It uses machine learning and data visualization to predict emergency scenarios, which is something I’m excited to learn more about.
  • Collaborating with industry experts makes it a valuable real-world experience.

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    Comment by OSU -- October 1st, 2024 at 2:53 am

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