IPIP Results and Reaction

I decided to take the extensive and long personality test to get a more in depth reading and more extensive results. The survey had 300 questions asking to rank the accuracy of each statement. At the end of the survey I got five attributes about my personality as a result of the survey. The five attributes I got were: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience.

In Extraversion I received high marks which indicates that I’m sociable, outgoing, and enjoy being around others. Id say this is an accurate assessment of my personality since I generally prefer to be around others than I do being alone. I enjoy all kinds of company and making new friends comes easy to me. The survey says my agreeableness is low which indicates that I don’t concern myself with the needs of others and that I’m uncompromising. I would say this is kind of inaccurate since yes I do take care of myself first before others, however I’m a very compromising person since I like to be the kind of person to try and make everyone happy rather than one person. I scored very high in Conscientiousness which indicates that I set goals and am determined to pursue them. This is accurate since whenever I set my mind to something I stick to it and like to strive for adventure and new experiences. My neuroticism is low which means I’m very calm and am tough to irritate. This is accurate, I don’t like to yell or get mad so I generally keep my cool. Lastly, my Openness to Experience is average which I don’t agree with. I am viewed by colleagues and friends as an intellectual unlike the assessment states. I also strive for adventure and new experiences to become a more cultured person.

I think that if an employer were to look at these results then they would say my strengths are my willingness to get things done, and more go get em attitude. I think this is something very valuable in a company and shows reliability. I think that weaknesses would depend on how they think and what they consider to be a qualification. For instance, ranking me average Openness to Experience and saying im not an intellectual because my Liberalism score is the lowest score I have is a rather poor assessment.

One response to “IPIP Results and Reaction”

  1. Hello Killian,

    I agree that many organizations will view individuals that rank high in Conscientiousness and low in Neuroticism as desirable personality traits in candidates they are looking to hire.

    I also believe any of these personality dimensions could be viewed as either a pro or con in the hiring process depending on the organization’s business/industry model and the job function they are hiring for. As an example, if an organization was looking to hire someone for a job that requires consistently completing work/tasks that allows for no deviation from process, possibly someone with a lower ranking in openness to experience could be a good hire.

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