Category: Uncategorized

  • Project Reflection

    My capstone project has made some solid progress this term. To give a recap, I’m working on a Malware Analysis Project. What this means is that my group needs to analyze some malware on a virtual network of virtual machines, figure out what each piece of malware is trying to do and how it does…

  • VMWare Workstation Pro

    This is the week we’re all getting ready to start analysis of malware on our virtual environment, so we’ve used a fair amount of different technologies so far. My “favorite” technology of the ones we’ve used so far is VMWare Workstation Pro. It’s a program that allows you to host virtual machines on your computer,…

  • Cleaner Code

    Winter break has ended, and now the term has started up once more. The first post I’ll be making for the term is about writing clean code, which boils down to code that’s easy to read and understand. However, there’s more to it than just making sure your code is commented. A lot of times…

  • Final Fall Post

    Looks like this is the last blog post I’ll do this term, though not a ton has happened since the last post. A new team member by the name of Vidhi joined us, which is cool since she seems to have some experience with virtual machines. Otherwise there’s not a lot else to report. We’ve…

  • Midterm Thoughts

    It’s been a while, so I figured I should give an update on how this class has been going for me. I was assigned to the Malware Analysis project like I wanted, and got put with some pretty cool teammates. The project requirements ended up being much more flexible than I initially believed it to…

  • Welcome!

    Hey all! Welcome to my blog! My name is Kevin Kolkman, and I’m excited to share my experience during my capstone with you all. I currently live in Beaverton, Oregon, but used to live In New Mexico and Texas before moving here for middle school. In my free time, I like playing games such as…