Week 4

Job Ads

I think that my brand, or first impression, would come off as really reliable and eager to learn. One of my strengths is that I am a planner and I always get things done efficiently and on time. I am also very aware that I have a lot of skills to learn and improve upon, so I am really willing to work hard in order to do that. In addition, I have a lot of leadership experience under my belt, which I think would be an asset to any job I were to have because I know how to work with different types of people and in team settings.

If I were to present myself in a situation wanted ad, I would start by going on a website such as Canva or something of the sort in order to create a really nice, professional template. I think that the way that the ad looks says a lot about the abilities a person has. From there, I would take a look at my resume and try to apply my relevant experiences to whatever kind of job I am trying to get. I do not have much professional experience, but a lot of opportunities I have had in college have helped me grow and learn a lot, and definitely show that I am a capable and motivated employee. That being said, I would definitely highlight that aspect of myself because I think that some things I have been involved in make me different than potential competitors.  Once I have an appealing and easy to read ad, I would post it on websites like LinkedIn or Glassdoor so that it can be seen by companies. I would also have a few companies already picked out and ready to send to current employees to try to get my name out there. 

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One reply on “Job Ads”

We touched on similar points in our strengths and experiences portion of this assignment. I agree that the crispness of the template would be very important to provide a neutral background for your skills to shine in the situation wanted ad. I appreciated that you mentioned specific places that you would use the ad in based on the opportunities you were pursuing.

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