writing exercise #4

Anne Vrieze, Pieter F. de Groot, Ruud S. Kootte, Els van Nood, Max Nieuwdorp in their summary article entitled “Fecal Transplat: A Safe and Sustainable Clinical Therapy for Restoring Intestinal Microbial Balance in Human Disease?”(2013) discusses how specific human diseases are related to microbiota composition. Vrieze et. al provide different human diseases and separate them …

writing exercise #3

There are a ton of different behaviors that can impact the microbial community… Vaginal vs Caesarean: When babies are born through the vagina, they are exposed to many microbes that are beneficial to them. Babies who are born through caesarean miss out on that. This isn’t something we control, but it is something that effects …

writing exercise #1

Here are a few human non-infectious diseases that I could find that are influenced by microorganisms are different kinds of cancers, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimers, and cardiovascular diseases. For some reason, this was more challenging for me than I thought it was going to be. It’s easy to name non-infectious diseases, but then I had to …