Work and Stress Week 8

While this may be titled chapter 1, it’s far from the beginning. It’s actually no particular starting point of reason. I started a new job, in a new town where I have to use my maps to get from my house to my office, and the only people I know are my new coworkers. I have a lot riding on this job, it’s all I have for the time being to set me up in this new chapter of my life. Over the past 6 years I have had a variety of jobs in several industries. Each with their own enjoyment and challenges. But the most important things I have taken away from all of these experiences is, if you like the people you work with and there is a good management dynamic, you can look forward to going to work each day instead of dreading it. While you can learn to like your job, you typically know right off the bat if you like your manager or not. Liking your manager doesn’t mean your friends or hang out on the weekend, but they have earned your respect as a person you can count on to execute tasks needed for you to be successful. Managers care about the people they are overseeing, the physical and mental health in and out of the worksite is a top priority. As I read on “Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work for 2020”, all of the employees share stories of how they know their company cares about them and establishes a work site that became their support system. People want managers that they can talk to, receive affirmation and guidance and are inclusive of all the dynamics of life that effects people’s ability to work. Companies cannot succeed with poor management. But managers are faced with the challenge of living up to all of these expectations. The greatest managers sacrifice the most and neglect the very same thing they are fighting to give their workers. They have to provide trainings, stay up on policy’s, schedule work and so much more depending on the job. They are the backbone to the company.

I one day will be the manager that makes my workplace a safe space where people feel like they matter. The wellbeing of the people around me are critical in today’s world. Balance between work and homelife is the most important thing I could stress. People can be replaced at work, but never at home.

Works Cited: Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® 2020 | Great Place to Work®

Stress is something people undergo when they feel pressure from different factors in their life. It is a feeling of being overwhelmed and loss of control. It is very wearing on your physical and mental health. It can be sourced from family, home, friends and especially work. Organizations are taking steps to help mitigate employee stress through different programs. I took the Life Stress Inventory, Coping and Stress Management Skills test and Type A Personality Survey to learn more about myself and how to deal with the stress I experience. From the Life Stress Inventory, I fell into the category of having a 50% change of a major health breakdown in the next 2 years. On the Stress Management Skills test I scored a problem forced coping strategies. Meaning that I rarely use the preventive strategies or effective strategies when needed. I should take advantage of preventing or getting on top of my problems from the start. The Type A Personality Test I learned that I am impatience and irritable. I agree with this, and it is something I try to work on but find myself struggling often. I have built up stress and sometimes take it out in not good ways.

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