Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog post 8

    I feel like I just did a blog post. For that reason I dont have any real major updates. Plus nobodys reading these so im not very motivated to write much Our project is mostly done, at this point we’re just finishing the final details and making UI tweaks. I finished the main portion of…

  • Post #7

    Nothing major this week. Same as last week. My team and I have been consistently and steadily making progress. On my end i’ve began creating a new form for users to edit their profile and information. This has taken alot of work and effort because we will need to update the data in our db.…

  • Post 6

    Another pointless post 🙂 Project is going good but somebody keeps changing my code >:| I want to say im mad but then again im too lazy to go over our commit history to really find out who it is. Other than that minor annoyance the project is moving along quite well. My portion of…

  • Blog post #5

    So far so good…I’ve made a surprisingly decent amount of progress so far. I was pretty stressed about the fact that I had to learn about state management and application architecture, but in the end it wasn’t so bad. Flutter makes most things pretty painless, and I was able to learn and use Provider relatively…

  • Week 3

    Dear diary, The easy part of the project is done. We have finished with the basic UI mock up and it is time to begin planning the architecture of the application. Alot of this portion of the assignment will be on me which has me a bit worried. It looks like I will have to…

  • Week 3

    This is the second week working with my team, and surprisingly it is even better than the first. My team and I met and planned out most of our work, allowing us to get a head start. Instead of procrastinating, my team actually got an early start. I followed, and I think we are now…

  • Week 2

    So far me and my team are off to a good start. Generally projects are pretty rough, and this includes groups throughout this program. Fortunately the group I was matched up with this semester seems to be on the same page with the project and our level of effort. On Wednesday our group spent 3…

  • Hello world!

    Hello to the 2 people who will see this post 🙂   I am terrible at choosing, so i am currently stressing out about having to decide on a semester long project. While I understand why we select our own project, I do like the hand holding you get in other classes where you are…