In this project we are developing a Latin American telenovela (soap opera) intervention based on critical consciousness theory to train young Latino allies to combat social isolation experienced by their LGBTQ peers. Our approach prioritizes making health a shared value by: (1) Collaborating with Latino LGBTQ youth to co-create a telenovela toolkit to train allies to combat social isolation, and (2) Piloting the adapted intervention among Latino youth in the Outreach Leadership Institute operated by 4-H at OSU. This unique and culturally appropriate Latin American medium allows us to extend the culture of health to communities throughout Oregon using 4-H programs, rather than relying solely on formal school contexts. Our program will overcome challenges presented by the social environment that further isolates Latinos, immigrants, especially those in rural areas and small towns in the U.S. This project is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (PI: Garcia)

Handbook of the Politics of Global Health (Routledge, Parker & Garcia, eds.)

Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Global Health: 1st Edition (Hardback) book coverIn the early twenty-first century, key public health issues and challenges have taken center stage on the global scene, and health has been placed at the heart of our collective aspirations for human development and well-being. But significant debate exists not only about the causes, but also about the possible solutions for nearly all of the most important global health challenges.

Competing visions of the values and perspectives that should underlie global health policies have emerged, ranging from an emphasis on cost effectiveness and resource constraints on one extreme, to new calls for health and human rights, and renewed calls for health and social justice on the other. The role of different intergovernmental agencies, bilateral or unilateral donors, public or private institutions and initiatives, has increasingly been called into question, whilst the spread of neoliberal policies and programmes, and existing international trade regimes and intellectual property rights, are deeply implicated in relation to global health responses.

This volume critically evaluates how the global health industry has evolved and how the interests of diverse political and economic stakeholders are shaping the context of a rapidly changing institutional landscape. Bringing together leading authors from across the world, the Handbook’s eight sections explore:

  • Critical perspectives on global health
  • Globalisation, neoliberalism, and health systems
  • The changing shape of global health governance
  • Development assistance and the politics of global health
  • Scale-up, scale-down, and the sustainability of global health programmes
  • Intellectual property rights, trade relations, and global health
  • Humanitarian emergencies and global health politics
  • Human rights, social justice and global health

The Routledge Handbook on the Politics of Global Health addresses both the emerging issues and conceptualisations of the political strategies, policy-making processes, and global governance of global health, along with expanding upon and highlighting the critical priorities in this rapidly evolving field. It provides an authoritative overview for students, practitioners, researchers, and policymakers working in or concerned with the politics of public health around the globe.


Parker, R., di Mauro, D., Filiano, B., Garcia, J., Muñoz-Laboy, M. & Sember, R. (2004) Global transformations and intimate relations in the 21st century: social science research on sexuality and the emergence of “sexual health” and “sexual rights” frameworks.” Annual Review of Sex Research. 15, 362-398. [article]

Berkman, A., Garcia, J., Muñoz-Laboy, M., Paiva, V. & Parker, R. (2005) Critical analysis of the Brazilian response to HIV/AIDS: lessons learned for controlling and mitigating the epidemic in developing countries. American Journal of Public Health. 95, 1162-1172. [article]

Garcia, J. & Parker, R. (2006) From global discourse to local action: the makings of a sexual rights movement?  Horizontes Antropológicos. 26, 13-41. [article]

Seffner, F., Da Silva, C., Maksud, I., Garcia, J., et al. (2008). Respostas religiosas à AIDS no Brasil: impressões de pesquisa acerca da Pastoral de DST/AIDS da Igreja Católica [Religious responses to AIDS in Brazil: impressions from research about the STD/AIDS Pastoral of the Catholic Church]. Ciencias Sociales y Religión. 10, 10, 159-180. [article]

Garcia, J., Muñoz-Laboy, M., de Almeida, V. & Parker, R. (2009) Local impacts of religious discourses on rights to express same-sex sexual desires in periurban Rio de Janeiro. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 6, 3, 44-60. [article]

Paiva, V., Garcia, J., Muñoz-Laboy, M.,  de Oliveira Santos, A., & Terto, Jr., V.   (2010) Religious communities and HIV prevention: an intervention study using a human rights-based approach. Global Public Health. 5, 3, 280-294. [article]

Garcia, J. & Parker, R. (2011) Resource mobilization for health advocacy: Afro-Brazilian religious organizations and HIV prevention and control. Social Science and Medicine. 72, 12, 1930-8. [article]

Murray, L., Garcia, J., Muñoz-Laboy, M. & Parker, R. (2011) Strange bedfellows: The Catholic Church and Brazilian National AIDS Program in the response to AIDS in Brazil. Social Science and Medicine. 101, 6, 972-8. [article]

Muñoz-Laboy, M., Murray, L., Wittlin, N., Garcia, J., Terto, Jr., V. & Parker, R. (2011) Beyond faith-based organizations: using comparative institutional ethnography to understand religious responses to HIV and AIDS in Brazil. American Journal of Public Health. 101, 6, 972-8. [article]

Garcia, J., Muñoz-Laboy, M. & Parker, R. (2011) Vulnerable Salvation: evangelical Protestant leaders and institutions, drug use and HIV and AIDS in the urban periphery of Rio de Janeiro. Global Public Health 6, sup2, 243-56. [article]

Muñoz-Laboy, M. Garcia, J., Moon-Howard, J., Wilson, P.A., Parker, R. (2011) Religious responses to HIV and AIDS: Understanding the role of religious cultures and institutions in confronting the epidemic.  Global Public Health. 6, sup2, 127-31. [article]

Garcia, J., Hromi-Fiedler, A., Mazur, R. E., Marquis, G., Sellen, D., Lartey, A., & Pérez-Escamilla, R. (2013). Persistent household food insecurity, HIV, and maternal stress in Peri-Urban Ghana. BMC Public Health, 13(1), 215. [article]

Muñoz-Laboy, Perry, A., Parker, R. & Garcia, J. (2013) Alternative frameworks for examining Latino male bisexuality in the urban space: A theoretical commentary based on ethnographic research in Rio de Janeiro and New York. Sexualities. [article]

Parker, R. G., Perez-Brumer, A., Garcia, J., Gavigan, K., Ramirez, A., Milnor, J., & Terto Jr, V. (2016). Prevention literacy: community-based advocacy for access and ownership of the HIV prevention toolkit. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 19(1). [article]


Religious Responses to HIV and AIDS
