First Blog/Intro

Hello, My name is Jawad Abdullah and I am majoring in Computer Science at Oregon State University. I am currently a junior going into my senior year next term. I am expecting to graduate by December 2024, which is pretty exciting to me as I love winter the most. I am currently debating about trying to get my masters degree in robotics. On one hand, I would love to learn more about robotics, has promising future, and standard master’s degree bragging rights. On the other hand, I would very much love to start a completely new chapter in my life, earn more money, and enjoy more of my free time doing anything else but studying. I am such an age where I have so much transitioning in my life and I don’t know which decision or action is the right one for me. I would love to see myself in the future and ask him for advice, but I suppose that would be cheating.

I am currently residing in Philadelphia, Pa and in the Eastern time zone. Living in Pa means I get to enjoy the city life and nature equally. I get to go to many concerts, restaurants, and even car shows. I also get to hike many wonderful and beautiful places like the Appalachian trail and White Cliffs of Conoy. I also live really close to New Jersey so I get to visit the beach often with my friends. I don’t have any kids but I have a cute elderly cat that adore so much. Her name is Nala and she is the best studying buddy anyone can ask for.

OSU wasn’t my first choice, as I was first attending Temple University. I ended up not doing as well as I would have wanted at Temple and needed to take a break. After about a year off from college, my work offered tuition assistance for certain schools and programs. OSU’s Computer Science was one of them and I honestly thought it was a perfect opportunity to get back to college and have the perfect amount of flexibility to succeed this time around. I am really happy with my choice as OSU opened a door for me that I thought was closed shut before and it allowed an amazing opportunity to expand and further my education.

Currently I work at Target as a Guest Advocate and it is something interesting. On one hand, dealing with angry guests really takes a toll on my mental health, and the pressure and stress to provide timely and perfect service at all times really tires me out. On the other hand, my coworkers are one of the best people who I ever met and I formed many great friendships, and helping appreciative guests makes me a little proud and happy. I am currently looking for any internship or Co-op. It has been very tough as OSU doesn’t have much of an influence in the East Coast but I am really hopeful I would find an internship soon.

I really liked the Virtu-Care project as it has the most potential to positively affect millions of people’s lives. It has amazing specification and interesting technologies to accomplish potentially many positive breakthrough in the mental health field. I also have lost a friend due to mental health before and I wish that I was able to help him more every day. I miss him and I truly would love to help any person in a similar position to his. This project has the potential to do so much for so many people and I would love to be a part of something so big and incentive.

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