Instructor Role

KE 103 Analytisk kemi (Analytical Chemistry), Örebro University, 2019

Guest Lecturer
TOX 430/530 Chemical Behavior in the Environment, Oregon State University, 2023
MX 106 Måltidsekologi (Meal Ecology), Örebro University, 2018
CH 231H Honors General Chemistry, Oregon State University, 2017
ALS 199 Closing the Gap: Where Science meets the Media, Oregon State University, 2015

Teaching Assistant
CH 324 Quantitative Analysis, Oregon State University, 2015
CH 232 General Chemistry and CH 262 Laboratory for General Chemistry, Oregon State University, 2013-2014
CH 231 General Chemistry and CH 261 Laboratory for General Chemistry, Oregon State University, 2013-2014
CHM 221 Organic Chemistry I, Berea College, 2012

Mentoring Role

Mitchell Kim-Fu, Ph.D. student, Oregon State University, 2022-2023
Derek Muensterman, Ph.D. student, Oregon State University, 2020-2023
Liliana Cahuas, Ph.D., Oregon State University, 2020-2022
Yunyun Yan, Visiting undergraduate student, Peking University, 2015-2016
Jing Liu, Visiting undergraduate student, Peking University, 2015-2016

Supervisor Role

KE 104G Analysvetenskap och forensic (Analytical Sciences and Forensics), Örebro University, 2018-2019
Supervised Bachelor-level students, leading to the writing of Project Reports entitled: “PAHs in Grilled Food: A comparison of meat, vegetarian, and vegan alternatives” (2018) and “How different sizes of car tire granulates affect the extraction of PAHs” (2019)

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