
Capstone Project and other updates

Glad to have you back.

Life’s been a rollercoaster lately.
I’ve been learning a lot by putting work into projects (including the Capstone), but I’m losing motivation because of the rejections in internship applications.

I don’t feel as much of an imposter with my coding now!

Part of being an imposter meant not understanding what people were talking about and feeling as though I knew too little about any given subject.

I’m currently taking OS1, Programming Fundamentals, Cloud Computing, and the Capstone Project Class 1.

It’s a lot of learning and I’m loving it. Studying feels like traversing through the Amazon, but the payoff is that I am changed as a result.

I’ve been coding in Raku, Ruby, Rust, and C. I used to only code in Python and JavaScript (MERN Fullstack) but am learning new things due to the classes I am taking and I’m pushing myself to be better than I was.

Using Flask, Raku, and Ruby has been a humbling experience.
I still feel like an imposter sometimes, but I’m rolling with the punches a bit more.
No matter how much I learn, there will always be more to learn.

It will always be an upward climb!

Whenever I’m stressed, I go for a quiet walk in the park and spend some time reading “The Subtle Art of not giving a F***”.
I highly recommend this book for gaining clarity and perspective on who you wish to be.

Good luck, friend!

I will see you again in my next post on Imposter Coding.

Thank you for reading!

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