The Certified Burn Manager Program

Oregon’s Certified Burn Manager (CBM) Program provides formal training and certification of individuals in the safe and effective use of prescribed fire within the state of Oregon. This Oregon Department of Forestry program provides limited civil liability protection when certified individuals follow program criteria and access to the $5 million Prescribed Fire Claims Fund (available Summer 2024).

The CBM Program is for: private individuals, landowners, contractors, firefighters, students, and anyone interested in conducting prescribed burns. There requirements to achieve certification are:

  • 3-day course
  • Final exam
  • Completion of a certification book demonstrating participation at 3 burns with a qualified CBM.

The IGNITE prescribed fire trainings will consolidate these opportunities by offering the course and providing training opportunities on burns facilitated by the Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association.

Some prior experience is necessary before taking the course and exam. However, experience may be demonstrated in various ways including basic firefighter (FFT2) training or years of experience burning on your own land or professionally (eg. contractors).