Category: Uncategorized

  • Project Learning and Reflection

    This term has been quite a challenge regarding project delivery and development. Overall, this has been an excellent experience with my team and our project partners. I have learned a lot from myself, how I work with others, and in the discovery process of project development. Main Challenge One of the larger challenges I believe…

  • Development and Tech Stack

    We are at the point of the project where we are committing features frequently, and we have figuring out the difficult parts of the project. With that we have a tech stack that our business partners have handed us that we have all needed to learn. Most things have been great and easy to use…

  • Clean Code: Changing my coding habits

    When thinking of how to improve as a Developer or a Programmer, I am reminded of the principle of having clean code. In the rush of attempting to finish an assignment or complete a feature request at work, I forgot the principle of clean code, and that is something I want to change. What do…

  • Early Project Development

    As the end of the Fall Term is almost here, so is the beginning of the Development of our project. With that have come new challenges, and learning new technologies. Team Workflow As we have all gotten to know each other better and work with one another more often the team is functioning as an…

  • My Fall Term

    My Fall Term has been interesting as I have started a new project with completely new people, and both exciting, as there are new problems to work through. I am finding my place in the team, experiencing a new group of people and how those individuals work, and getting the opportunity to work with industry…

  • About Me

    Hello, to anyone who visits my blog, My name is Robinson, like many students coming into this school year, I am a Senior at Oregon State University. I am in Los Angeles, CA, Pacific Time zone. I have a dog Luna Bojangles, and a cat Lydia Deetz. If I have the time I like to…