hybrid class in virtual space design

General description

NMC 483: New Media 3D presents concepts tools and techniques for planning, creating, and understanding virtual environments. We use 3D modeling and animation software to create 3D environments, investigating light, color, texture, form, spatial design and composition. These skills and concepts can be applied to projects in many different fields, including advertising, entertainment, education and visualization.

Enrollment characteristics of students

There is no production class pre-req for this class, so students come to it from a range of backgrounds and with a variety of skill sets. Mostly these are NMC students with some video production experience. I usually have between 3-5 CS students with no production background. Occasionally I have art students. Most students are juniors or seniors. The enrollment is capped at 20 students. Over my 15 years of teaching this class I have consistently seen approximately 20/80% female/male student demographic.

How often class will meet

Class will meet once a week for 110 minutes on Tuesday or Thursday (TBD)

How to use class meeting time:

Class time will be devoted to (1) introducing and reviewing projects, (2) screening examples of professional and student work, (3) discussing readings, (4) assisting students on production assignments. There is overlap with the online part of the class in that videos are to be watched outside of class as well. Additionally, students will be expected to review the work of their peers online.

What types of content, activities assignments and/or assessments will you have online?

Online content will include (1) articles, (2) video links, (3) video tutorials, (4) discussion forums for peer-to-peer help and collaboration, (5) peer evaluations of work. I have not yet determined the best approach to online peer evaluations. I’m interested in using video for a more personalized review experience.  If the technology can be developed in time, I’d also like to have the ability for students to drop their own 3D content into a game engine where they can navigate through virtual space and explore their own work and the work of their peers.

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