
From the pitfall reading,”Many online courses assume a two-way dialogue between each student and the instructor, and they forget about the ways in which students learn from each other’s mistakes, ideas, and input. Consider creating wiki spaces in which groups of students can work together. Include assignments that require students to share ideas and resources, present topics to each other, and critique each other’s work. Use online communication tools and collaborative spaces to foster a class-wide web of supportive contact rather than settling into multiple parallel channels between you and each student. ”
Our biggest successes in the classroom, and, online are those where the students are actively constructing and fully engaging in the work ie peer reviewing of assignments, helping each other with teaching ideas, brainstorming various classroom management ideas, discussing upcoming seminars, job fairs(even carpooling links), etc… This is what we hope we can then transmit on to the classrooms where our OSU students will be future teachers. To simulate what we hope are best practices, I think, is the best way to continue the life-long learning process. I would definitely like to learn more about the “wiki” process, as this work, to date, has been accomplished primarily through the Discussion Board.

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4 Responses to Dialogue

  1. simon driver says:

    I like the idea of peer reviewing assignments – i think that is a great opportunity to develop critical thinking and analysis in students. I’ve historically been wary of including it in class – largely because I don’t understand how to implement it successfully! – but I’d be interested in finding out more about that. I will look into it independently but if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Questions:

    1. Do we as faculty have to re-grade peer graded assignments?
    2. Can we assign a rubric for students to peer grade?
    3. Can a peer review system be set up through Bb that serves as a precursor to students actually submitting the assignment to faculty?

  2. karen watte says:

    These are great questions. In my experience as a faculty trainer with OSU Ecampus, I believe most instructors who assign peer-review assignments will also grade the students’ final (post peer-reviewed) work. The actual task of peer-reviewing becomes part of each student’s grade, in fact. You can definitely assign a rubric for students to use when conducting a peer review. This would be very helpful in ensuring that they all review each others’ work using the same criteria.

    Regarding how to set up a peer review system in BB: this is often accomplished using the groups tool — so that students’ discussions and exchanges can occur privately but still within Blackboard. (There is a built-in peer review tool in the current version of BB, but it isn’t working correctly, so I can’t recommend using it at this point.)

  3. simon driver says:

    Thanks Karen – I think I may try this in my grad courses before the UG. Is there ever a problem with students just checking all the “exceed expectations” boxes? If so, how do you deal with that?

  4. Joonkoo Yun says:

    Thanks for sharing a way facilitate student learning. I will trying peer editing in my graduate level course in the future.

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