Discrimation Claim!

Claims of discrimination to the degree of a public lawsuit could absolutely change the way I felt about my favorite company depending on the details of the case. As I am not a person who likes to jump to quick judgement, I would probably investigate further in order to understand the circumstances and scenario/s to fully ascertain how it might affect my opinion about the company. Actions by a single individual may not reflect the company’s true intent or position, and I would likely take this into consideration. 

If the company had condoned or turned a blind eye while obvious discrimination was occurring, I would no longer support the company or harbor any desire to be employed there. In today’s environment, mutual respect and appreciation for our colleagues and fellow inhabitants of the earth (of all races and species), is both severely lacking and incredibly important. There is so much anger in the world, and in this scenario I would not wish to be associated with any company that does not place value in the importance of all humans and animals. 

However, if there was a single incidence of discrimination by an employee of a company who no longer works there, and the company has otherwise maintained a good reputation and is not known to be disrespectful to any persons or groups or animals, then I might consider that the individual was a bad egg (or a bad hiring decision!! Haha). While the company may be liable for the actions of an individual in their employ, in this scenario I may be more willing to continue to support or work for said company. 

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One response to “Discrimation Claim!”

  1. Hi Kristy. I enjoyed reading your perspective on the scenario we had to write about- doing some homework to understand the details in the news article and not rushing to judgement. I also appreciated your view of evaluting and determining your future support based on if the discrimination behavior was done by an individual and properly addressed by the company, or if the behavior appears to be systematic and throughout the organization. I would base my decision to either support, or not support, a company similarly.

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