Writing Exercise #9

Some ways that we can decrease our exposure to microbes is the amount of antibiotics we take, how frequently we bathe, the over sanitization of our hands when out and about. Another important factor impacting early life exposure to microbes that we can control is how often or if we are out in the environment exposing ourselves to microbes. Without being outside and exposing ourselves we would be decreasing the amount of microbes present to us. Factors that parents can control is the decision to breastfeed or the method of birth. Breastfeeding allows for the child to accumulate a larger amount of microbes, similarly mothers who give birth through caesarean section will predispose their child to less microbes than those who don’t. Also having a smaller family size will also decrease the amount of microbes available to your environment due to less bodies being exposed to the general environment. Similarly our diet can greatly impact our exposure to microbes, while not entirely sure about the overall quantity, the diversity among organic produce is generally more beneficial to us than the non organic counterparts.

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