
The Most Important Thing I Learned – Week 10

During week 8 the topic of job interviews and the ways they differ from each other was presented. In learning about the five different styles, I had not realized there were names for anything other than the Panel interview and the One-on-One interview. Of the other three, I felt that the Group interview would be the most harrowing for me since I prefer to compete against myself.

I was familiar with all four mediums; however, I have never used the Written interview via email as it seems a bit removed and “cold” in the ability to translate any human qualities. I would probably use it for clarifications from one of the three other interview types.

The biggest takeaway for me was the differences possible outcomes and biases in the Unstructured and Structured interview. Though I have been on the receiving end of both types, the interviewers using the unstructured approach were not really prepared to conduct the interview. They seemed to be “winging it” with questions and situations that came to mind. Additionally, there would be instances where they would be leading me down a path for an answer they wanted to hear, or they would ask things that were inappropriate or illegal.

Structured interviews seem the fairest to job candidates sing the three criteria they are based on keeps the interviewers on track with asking the same questions of all job candidates. Additionally, sourcing the questions from the job analysis ensures that the questions are specific to the job and helps to avoid “off script” or biased questions. The outcomes of the interviews being evaluated on standardized scoring tool still allows for some subjectivity, but it certainly makes the decision-making processes go faster and fairer. There is a much greater chance that the tool would show validity and reliability.


Self Reflection

1. What am I good at?
I am good at helping others to learn by leaning into their learning styles to take advantage resources that help people learn at their maximal potential.

2. What do I value?
More than anything, I value kindness to one’s self and others. This comes through at work with the ability to be congenial, collegial, and collaborative.

3. How did I get here?
To quote Robert Frost, I took the path less chosen. I learned to work with my reading disability to work in a field that required hours of writing and research. I moved that learning into helping to educate learners to be better researchers and programmers. Finally, I moved to psychometrics and assessment.

4. Where am I going?

My next move is to take all I have learned on my winding road and help others to be the best they can be.


IPIP Results & Reactions

I was somewhat surprised by my overall score for Extroversion. I scored above 60 in all facets except Assertiveness which was 80 and Activity level which was 31 (which I expected). I thought I would score more in the 30 to 45 range in all facets. My Agreeableness domain showed that I am tough, critical, and uncompromising. I would say that is very accurate. I scored extremely high in all facets and agree with the descriptors. My scores on Neuroticism all extremely low “indicating that . . . [I am] exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable.” I don’t have intense emotions and don’t get stressed out easily. This is true. My Openness to Experience was extremely high which I expected.

A potential employer, would probably be happy to see that I am an Extrovert with assertive facets if they want me to deal well with clients and close deals. I am truly more energized when I am around people, and that facet of my personality has garnered me much success. I am also much more likely to walk around and meet others in large business or social settings. My Agreeableness scores are high in morality, cooperation, and sympathy, but I feel trust is earned.

A potential employer would like that I am highly Conscientiousness since the facets making up this domain can be tied to business and the outcomes are measurable. I am effective in my work and am extremely productive. I am very organized, but I don’t live by lists. I set goals that are high and reach them whether the tasks are difficult or unpleasant. More than anything, I think things though and am never jump to conclusions or act brashly.

A potential employer would most like be happy that I have extremely low scores in Neuroticism. I am not an anxious person, I am not angered easily, and I am stay emotional leveled at all times. My score shows the I am “exceptionally calm, composed, and unflappable.” An I am not a person who reacts to events with strong emotions or to situations others find taxing.

I do not think that a potential employer would be offput by my my Openness to Experience scores other than I am open to new ways of understanding, thinking, and doing things. If I am looing for a job in a puzzle factory, a travel agency, or an art studio a potential employer might be excited by many of the facets of my personality.