Daily Check-in

Making travel part of your learning goals

Good evening, everyone!

Early planning work for our investment application is going well. I recently created a repository in GitHub where we are beginning to populate and organize our planning docs in a meaningful way. We hope to incorporate some of these elements in our upcoming demo of v0.0.1.

My professional career has been particularly exciting as of late. Recently I was offered an amazing opportunity by my current employer, Trimble. I was given the chance to represent the company at a technical conference hosted by one of our largest vendors, HashiCorp. HashiCorp was hosting a technical conference in Boston, MA.

I traveled to Boston with another member of my engineering team; our goal was to receive an update on new features in HCP Terraform and how they could be used to improve quality and reliability in our organization. To achieve this goal, we:

  • Held meetings with design architects and SMEs from HashiCorp
  • Attended technical training in specific areas of interest
  • Attended company socials where we were given a less formal glance at HashiCorps company operations

It was an amazing opportunity. I am floored by how much more you can learn when you incorporate travel & networking events into your learning plan. If you want to read more about my experience at this event, please check out my LinkedIn post here:

At some point, I hope everyone else has similar opportunities to engage with other engineers and architects!

Good luck, everyone.

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