Category: Uncategorized
Managing Stress
As I’ve transitioned into my new role as a software developer, I’ve found myself dealing with some stressful situations. There is a lot to learn when joining a new team. There are often new technology stacks, pipelines, and processes to learn. Furthermore, team dynamics can throw in some more challenges since it takes time to…
Soft Skills: Presenting
In my software career thus far, I am finding that presenting to an audience is a common necessity. This is often needed to communicate new features to an audience or problem solve a bug. Furthermore, leads often are required to present on non-technical aspects of work such as learning and development or mentorship. I have…
Group Project
For this class, my partner and I are working on the Job Tracker web application. I’m excited to get more experience building a CRUD application and we will be using Django, Python, and SQLite. We decided to host the website on the OSU Flip server to make it easy and avoid any cloud environment deployment…
Favorite Technologies: three.js
This is my first blog post and I thought to spend some time on my favorite technologies. Although this has evolved recently, I have enjoyed learning WebGL by using three.js. This framework allows for some really cool ways of expressing creativity on a browser. I first learned about it by following the YouTube channel.…