Letter: Food Security Program Updates for Social Distancing

March 27th 2020


The food pantry is still here to serve you. This letter is to tell you about the changes beginning Monday March 30th.

Premade Boxes

We are getting food from Linn Benton Food Share/Oregon Food Bank in a different format.

Shelf stable items will come in a box assembled at the Food Bank. The boxes weigh about 27# and contain an assortment of shelf stable items.  There will be some frozen meat/fish and some fresh produce.

The goal is for each household to pick up a box once per month. If you find you are running out of food, come back to the HSRC and we will work to figure something out to help you get by.

We will ask that you take the whole box with you and that you do not open, sort, or leave items outside the building.

We will continue to work to respect cultural food practices. We will try to modify boxes to the best of our ability to accommodate dietary restrictions.  Please read food labels carefully yourself before using items.

Peanut butter will be available, but will not be in the food boxes. We may sometimes get additional items such as Masa or Flour as available from the Food Share.

New 2020 Income Eligibility Guidelines

The eligible income levels to get food from pantries in Oregon are going way up. Share this info with folks you know who might be in need of assistance. These new guidelines will be for all pantries supported by the Oregon Food Bank beginning March 30th.

Family Size Monthly Annual
1 $3,190 $38,280
2 $4,310 $51,720
3 $5,430 $65,160
4 $6,550 $78,600
5 $7,670 $92,040
6 $8,790 $105,480

*For each additional member, add $1,120 per month or $13,440 per year

Coming Soon: Healthy Beaver Bags

For OSU students and staff (those with a university ID) we will start offering a ‘Healthy Beaver Bag’ from the HSRC.  This is our way of continuing cooking education for the OSU community as we pivot to provide services in a way that maintains social distancing. Participants will need to be able to pick up a bag from the HSRC in Corvallis. HBBs will be offered for pick up on a different day than the food pantry hours. There will be corresponding online material. You can sign up using this form. Please look for more info soon on our Facebook page “Human Services Resource Center – Oregon State University.”

Follow Facebook for Program Updates

We will post program updates including the pantry schedule, food assistance programs, textbook lending library, and basic needs navigation to our Facebook page:

Human Services Resource Center – Oregon State University

Thank you for your flexibility. We will get through this together,