For my Implicit Attitude Test I decided to take a look into what my implicit bias is when it comes to race. The results of my test were somewhat surprising, but something that I can definitely see as being true. The results told me that I tend to admire African Americans more compared to other races and this is very interesting to me because of the way that I was never really around many other races when I was growing up. Seeing these results gave me a better understanding o what kind of biases you can create without really ever knowing that you have these biases. Ultimately you can create biases from a wide variety of different things and that is something that I think people will never really realize when they are creating these biases in their heads.
I think that these biases can create some issues in the selection process because they can lead you to tend for certain things that may not be the best option. Like me for example if I was the making the selections then I would tend to go after an African American person compared to others even though they might not be the best option for the position. These things can cause issues within the company because they don’t always get the best option for the company.
Some things that you can do to try and prevent these biases from showing up are knowing what types of biases you have by taking these sorts of tests that show you these biases. If you are able to know what biases you have then you will be able to fight them when you’re making these sorts of decisions. Realizing what biases you have will allow for you to maybe make the better decision for your company rather than letting your biases win and not making the best decisions.