
Unions: Pros v. Cons

Labor unions can have both positive and negative impacts. One argument in favor of unions is that they can hold companies accountable for unsafe working conditions, unfair wages, etc., which in turn creates a positive change. Labor unions give employees the opportunity to advocate for their workers rights, often resulting in things like increased benefits and wages. They can aid in increasing overall productivity and improving the safety of the workplace. Some cons of labor unions are that they do cost money, and “charge dues to pay the salaries of union leaders and workers during a strike” (Maryville University). Unions often have rules, which results in less autonomy for employees. Unions often go on strike, which presents the risk of a loss of income.

An example of labor unions that comes to mind is the recent Providence nurses strike. Over the years, Providence nurses have gone on strike multiple times to advocate for better staffing levels, health care for patients and wages. The nurses strike in June was said to be the largest nurse strike in Oregon history. This strike sought to improve conditions not only for nurses, but also for patients. Nurses returned back to work after a few days with no new agreements from Providence. This example shows how although unions advocating does not immediately result in changes, it can bring awareness to important issues. 

Personally, I would consider joining a labor union if I was in a career where there were significant changes that needed to be made. Despite the cons, I think that there are a lot of benefits in labor unions in accountability for larger corporations. In a lot of cases, those in positions of power can take advantage of lower level employees and not provide fair compensation or not be as safe as possible, which is where labor unions are beneficial.


Justin Klawans, T. W. U. (2024a, October 2). The Pros and cons of Labor Unions. theweek. ll

Maryville University Online. (2023, October 20). What are the pros and cons of labor unions?. What Are the Pros and Cons of Labor Unions? 

Ogirri, J. (2024, June 23). Providence nurses back at work, still no contract.

Providence joint strike – oregon nurses association (ONA). (n.d.).

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