
Managing My Own Stress

After taking the stress test a lot became clear to me. Problem-Focused Coping is focusing on my ability to control the situation. Whenever I run into a wall, I begin problem solving to find the solution, in some situations I find myself stumped because the situation is out of my control and I can’t help to think about what I could have done to prevent it. This becomes an issue because it gets involved in my daily activities, I struggle to focus on nearly anything else depending on the severity of the situation. There are upsides to problem-focused coping as well, it sparks a drive inside of you to use all your resources to solve the issue at hand. I have ran into situations where both have occurred, and I can say that problem-focused coping has been more of an issue because it limits my ability to focus on other aspects of life that are going on daily. I have recognized this not as an issue but an extreme, learning how to control my emotions to be able to accomplish my daily goals while not giving up on finding solutions is something that I have been trying to adapt to. To combat the negative aspects of problem-focused coping I will attempt to not let my issues impact my daily activities as well as trying to only focusing on the issues that are within my control.

Employees everyday are affected by stress, whether that it financial, kids, spouse, or their job. Companies realized that it affected employee performance and they began implementing added benefits such as “virtual mental health support, spontaneous days or even weeks off, meeting-free days, and flexible work scheduling.”. These added benefits are their to aid their employees in need. Companies realize that stress effects performance, to keep production high they have put in place these benefits to give the employees the support they need to recover.


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