Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog Post #3

    Welcome back! In this blog, I will write about the journey of my current capstone “Text-based Adventure Game” in an Escape Room setup.

  • Blog Post #2

    Welcome back. In this post, I will discuss the technologies and/or design features that will be used for our project, Text-based Adventure Game, by answering some of the questions. Why did you and your team choose the technologies you did?Our team decided to use Python for our project. In the OSU Postbacc program, we used…

  • Blog Post #1

    Q1. Why did you choose to go into Computer Science?I was always interested in becoming technical. I was majoring in business prior to this program, and I have very good soft skills. I was hired as an engineer right out of college which required a lot of Linux skills as well as communication skills with…