Week 6 – Backend Madness

We’ve gotten past our midpoint where we primarily focused on the front-end of our application.

Vue.js front end hosted on Heroku

Now that all of our pages our built out, our next task is to focus on the backend work by building a RESTful API that will communicate with our application as users attempt to retrieve, modify, or add information. We had some differing opinions on this one. I wanted to use Node.js and my teammate wanted to use Flask + Python for the API. Not wanting to be a dictator, we opted to have the Flask method and I’ve set up the repository on GitHub with a basic flask application that has 2 routes for a GET and POST requests (this is also hosted on heroku)

Flask + Python app hosted on Heroku

The next step is to use AXIOS to make Vue communicate with this API. This part shouldn’t be too hard as there’s a lot of documentation on how to make proper calls.

On another note – I just bought my first house with my wife and we are planning to move out on the 14th of May. Very exciting but very stressful since I’ll have to do school work in between the moving (on top of my full-time job…). My plan is to do a lot of my portion of the API before the 14th so that I can spend the whole weekend moving + recovering from all the back pain. I’ve told my teammates my plans so they’re all aware that I’ll be MIA for a few days.

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