Hemp Industrial Materials Supply Chain Workshop

You are a leader for your expertise and interest in supply chains and manufacturing with wood and other natural materials. Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center and partners the New Zealand Hemp Industries Association and New Zealand Product Accelerator are hosting an industry-focused workshop to identify what it would take for hemp to be feasibly utilized in biobased manufactured products. 

We ask you to save the dates of August 14, 15, and 16 (morning) to attend the Hemp Materials Supply Chain Workshop on the Oregon State University campus in Corvallis, Oregon.

There is an opportunity in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and New Zealand to establish an industry for growing, processing, and converting hemp into building products, paper/packaging, biocomposites/biopolymers, and activated carbon. We want to map established supply chains to understand the actions, decision points, key players, requirements, gaps, and priorities to establish regional industries for processed materials through finished goods that would complement the established wood products industries.

We will have representation from across the wood products and emergent hemp industries, government agencies, non-profits, retailers, academics, and other interested parties, all of whom will bring unique knowledge and expertise of supply chains to the conversation. Your attendance at this workshop will help us validate the industry’s current state and create a prioritized roadmap for building out and scaling up the natural industrial products industry in our two regions. 

While we prefer to have key attendees join in person, we understand it may not be possible for everyone, so we are planning to have virtual attendance as an option for our key participants who need to do so.

We look forward to having you be a part of this important exercise.

With Best Regards,
Jeffrey Steiner, Director
Oregon State University’s Global Hemp Innovation Center